XENIOS AG, the leader in lung and heart assist therapies, unites the novalung, i-cor, and medos websites into www.xenios-ag.com to further advance the XENIOS platform

With the new XENIOS website, the Heilbronn-based medical device company further advances it's unique lung and heart assist therapy platform. The corporate website now integrates the websites of the novalung, medos, and i-cor therapy brands.

As the leading provider of a lung and heart assist platform, the focus of the new online presence is on both - therapy and product. Customers and business partners will find tailored information at XENIOS CAMPUS, an online platform for clinical support, therapy information , and training. The integrated XENIOS ACADEMY continues the tradition of the recognized novalung academy, and offer therapy-specific training options both on site at hospitals and in training centers.

Source & Image credit: XENIOS AG

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XENIOS, website, therapy, novalung academy With the new XENIOS website, the Heilbronn-based medical device company further advances it's unique lung and heart assist therapy platform.