In the latest issue of BioCentury Innovations Andreas Bergmann, Founder & CEO of sphingotec, and Mark B. Evers, co-author of the recently published Nature paper “An obligatory role for neurotensin in high-fat-diet-induced obesity”, share their opinion on the role of neurotensin as prognostic marker for obesity, the future relevance of neurotensin measurements for the prevention of obesity and the art of measuring this fragile hormone.

Click here to read the full article in BioCentury Innovations. For further information on the sphingotest® pro-NT immunoassay please click here

Source & Image Credit : Sphingotec

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Sphingotec,Neurotensin Measurement,University of Kentucky,Lund University,obesity Although neurotensin promotes fat uptake, satiety and cancer cell growth, the hormone’s instability has made it difficult to measure in the clinic or connect directly to human disease.