Please see below details of an online survey which is being supported by the World Federation of Societies of Intensive and Critical Care Medicine. The survey has been distributed to national societies for dissemination to their members. We encourage you to participate and thank you very much in advance of your assistance in generating a good response.
You are being asked to voluntarily consider participating in this survey study because you are a part of an international group of intensivists, trainees and ICU nurses. The survey is being distributed to this international group by the WFSICCM. Participation is voluntary and consent is implied if you choose to participate. You may decline to answer any questions or stop participating at any time. The survey should take approximately 5-10 minutes of your time and results known in approximately one year.
The purpose of the study is to:
- To provide an international perspective on the current ICU inter-professional rounding practices;
- To describe an international perspective on the preferred ICU inter-professional rounding practices;
- To describe an international perspective on the associations between ICU inter-professional rounding practices and end-user perceptions of quality of care;
- To evaluate the degree of end-user satisfaction with ICU inter-professional rounding practices;
Only survey responses will be given to the investigator and your identity or email address will not be viewed or collected as part of the survey. For any questions, please contact the Investigator Dr. Amaral at the contact information above. The Sunnybrook Research Ethics Board has reviewed this study. This is a group of scientific and non-scientific individuals who review research studies with the safety and welfare of research subjects in mind. If you have questions about your rights as a research participant or any ethical issues related to this study that you wish to discuss with someone not directly involved with the study, you may call the Chair of the Sunnybrook Research Ethics Board at +1 (416) 480-6100 ext. 88144.
Please use the following link to start the survey.
Steering committee
The steering committee is Dr Amaral (Principal Investigator), Dr. Jorge Salluh, Dr. JL Vincent, Dr. Steve Webb and Dr. Louise Rose