Dr. Josep M. Picas (Spain) and Mr. Miroslav Madjaric (Croatia) were named President and Vice-President of HITM at the annual board meeting of HITM on January 21, 2011 in Brussels, Belgium.


Dr. Josep M. Picas is the Chief Information Officer (CIO) of the Hospital de St. Pau in Barcelona, Spain. He began his career in 1974 as a medical doctor, was appointed Director of the Hospital de l’Esperança in 1979 and Director of the Barcelona Town Council Primary Health Care Services in the C.Q. Peracamps in 1984. He served as Medical Director of Municipal Institute of Health Care Services from 1985 to 2004 and General Manager of the Primary Care of Barcelona City at the Catalan Institute of Health from 2004 to 2007. Dr. Picas was also CIO of Hospital del Mar in Barcelona; a position he held until his current appointment in 2008. In addition, he is an Associate Professor at a number of institutions, including the Barcelona Nurses University School Sta. Madrona, the Barcelona Business School, and the Barcelona University. He has worked actively on the development of disease management programs, computerised information health systems and medical documentation and participates on numerous Boards and Steering Committees.


Mr. Miroslav Madjaric, B.Sc.E.E, Ph.D. is the CIO of the University Hospital Center in Zagreb, Croatia. He graduated from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering / Computer Science at the University of Zagreb in Croatia. He started his career as a computer operator and programmer, later as a systems analyst and the manager of the IT department in KBC-Zagreb, the biggest hospital organisation in Croatia. He joined the biggest hospital organisation in Europe – Krankenanstaltenges.m.b.H in Graz, Austria in 1990, contributing substantially the implementation of Hospital Information System (HIS). In 2002, Mr. Madjaric lead the IT department in one of the largest Croatian companies INA, d.d. (Oil&Gas), before rejoining KBC-Zagreb in 2008, as VP & CIO. He has published more than 80 professional and scientific papers, mainly related to health IT, and is a regular presenter and participant in all major IT-related conferences in Croatia and abroad. Focus of his professional interests is IT management in hospitals, project management and innovation.

Dr. Josep M. Picas and Mr. Miroslav Madjaric will both utilise their new positions within the European Association of Healthcare IT Managers to further bolster HITM’s missions to establish common healthcare IT standards and policies and promote cross-border collaboration in different healthcare sectors.


About HITM
Established in 2004, the European Association of Healthcare IT Managers (HITM) is the largest representation body of CIOs and healthcare IT managers. HITM is a non-profit organisation outlined as the pan-European umbrella association of all relevant national healthcare IT associations in Europe. Believing in the fundamental importance of unifying healthcare IT professionals at European and global levels, HITM is committed to increasing the professional authority and responsibility of healthcare IT managers and representing their interests to international institutions and associations. HITM is strategically based in Brussels, for easy access to the European institutions and associations.

To further HITM’s goal to unify the heavily fragmented healthcare IT management sector by sharing knowledge, the association distributes an official journal- Healthcare IT Management, the Official Voice of HITM to more than 7,500 members.
Further information on HITM membership or journal subscription can be found on www.hitm.eu

The European Association of Healthcare IT Managers also proudly organises the IT @ NETWORKING Awards in cooperation with the European Association of Hospital Managers (EAHM). IT @ NETWORKING Awards was established in 2009 as an international competition to recognise the innovators of healthcare IT who have designed, implemented and utilised new solutions that ease workflow and enhance quality / security. IT @ 2012 will once again award the most innovative healthcare IT projects, following a two-day competition in Brussels, Belgium on January 18-19, 2012.

For more information, please contact:
HITM General Secretariat
Email: [email protected]
Call: +32/2/286 8501
Website: www.hitm.eu

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Dr. Josep M. Picas (Spain) and Mr. Miroslav Madjaric (Croatia) were named President and Vice-President of HITM at the annual board meeting of HITM on Janu...