ICU Management & Practice, ICU Volume 4 - Issue 2 - October 2004

Clinical Decision-Making

Spacelabs Medical: Tiina Tukia,

Director Corporate Communications

[email protected]

iM Dsoft: Anne Belkin,

Communications Manager

[email protected]


Spacelabs Medical and iM Dsoft announced on June 7, 2004 a joint sales and marketing arrangement to offer cutting-edge solutions for rapid informed decision-making to hospitals in several European and Asian countries. iM Dsoft’s CEO, Phyllis Gotlib, believes that the joint offering will enable clinicians “to improve patient outcomes by improving the quality, safety and accessibility of patient care and by reducing costs through better decision-making, enhanced accountability and avoidance of duplication”. Both Spacelabs and iM Dsoft utilize one solution platform for all applications, allowing hospitals to streamline monitoring and patient information systems. Spacelabs describes the solutions as enabling clinical teams to spend more time on patients and less on the technology.


iM Dsoft’s MetaVision Suite interfaces seamlessly with Spacelabs Medical’s Intesys Clinical Suite (ICS) software. ICS manages patient data enterprise-wide, collecting and storing information from the Spacelabs Ultraview® and UltraviewSL® family of monitors and Ultraview® Care Network, and also from other devices using the Spacelabs Flexport® interfaces. iM Dsoft’s MetaVision is designed for the whole critical care and the peri-operative area and provides automated data collection coupled with rule-based analysis to support clinical decision-making and workflow. Together, these products will enable acute care and perioperative clinical teams to access a wide range of patient information and “smart” analysis tools at the point of care or from remote locations.


Spacelabs Medical (, based in Washington, manufactures and distributes a wide range of products including patient monitoring systems for critical care and anaesthesia. Approximately 100,000 Spacelabs patient monitoring units are used worldwide, including 10,000 in Europe. Spacelabs Medical is an OSI Systems company,


iM Dsoft, (, a leading provider of medical information management systems, has implemented and maintained the MetaVision Suite worldwide since 1996. With head offices in Massachusetts and sales, marketing and R&D offices in Europe, the Middle and Far East, iM Dsoft dedicates its research exclusively to clinical information systems.