Critical Care Reviews Meeting 2023

Critical Care Reviews Meeting 2023

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Our Philosophy

The Critical Care Reviews Meeting is a truly unique event, where our aim is to share science rather than make money. For those who can't attend in person, we will be livestreaming the event for free. All talks are recorded and made freely available on the CCR website. Our annual book, summarising the best trials of the previous year, is given to delegates and a pdf copy made freely available for downloading. For those who do make it, we aim to have a minimal impact on our environment, with carbon offsetting in the form of tree planting, no plastics, and a focus on local food. We provide unrivalled on-site childcare at minimal cost, reduced maternity and paternity rates and a baby feeding area. We try to match scientific excellence with global equity and environmental responsibility. Critical Care Reviews is not-for-profit.

The Science

While we take pride in providing a culturally rounded event, the Critical Care Reviews Meeting is a scientific conference, highlighting the best critical care trials in the world. We host major trial results and review the best trials of the previous 12 months. Every trial result is allocated a full 90 minute session, including 30 minutes for the results presentation, 15 minutes for an independent editorial, 10 minutes open questions and a 30 minute expert panel discussion. Reviews of previously published trials get 40 minutes, again with an independent editorial. In the mornings, we host major trial results; in the early afternoon we review major trials published over the preceding year; and in the late afternoon, we change pace with expert panel discussions on various aspects of trial methodology, design, interpertation, dissemination and publishing.

The Atmosphere

The vibe of our Meeting is different too, with high class science presented and discussed in a open,friendly format. in Our social programme matches our scientific programme, with superb night events, as well as early morning exercise options. Alternatively, take the time to explore our home city Belfast, which is remarkably vibrant and culturally rich. If you have time to stay for a few days or longer, get outside the city and explore the island - there are few more beautiful places in the world.

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