It is expected that health and social care in the UK will be affected with its withdrawal from the European Union.
Some of the anticipated issues in light of Brexit include:

  • staff shortages - over 60,000 people from European countries outside the UK work in the English NHS. 90,000 work in adult social care. Post-Brexit, there will will be a need for staff in health and social care.
  • morale of R-EU - the morale of staff in the remaining 27 members of the European union is also an area of concern. With increased uncertainty about their future and the challenges they will face with regards to permanent residency in the UK are likely to add to the problems faced by EU workers and their families.
  • reciprocal healthcare - there will also be an impact on people who currently rely on the reciprocal healthcare arrangements in the EU. Travellers and holiday makers will no longer have access to affordable care provided under the European Health Insurance Card. This is likely to have more impact on retired British citizens in the EU, disabled people and people with multiple health conditions.
  • Medicines, products, medical devices, clinical trials and health research is also likely to be affected due to Brexit.
  • Funding programmes, resources, networks, health aid and other related matters including those involving EU agencies is an area of concern. 
  • The overall functioning of the healthcare market and the future of trade agreements is also likely to affect both patients and healthcare workers in the UK and the European Union.
It is thus important to deal with all this uncertainty and to ensure that the rights and concerns of R-EU nationals in the UK and UK nationals in the R-EU are addressed. Concerns about future healthcare arrangements and how things will play out are already affecting many people and as this uncertainty continues to linger, people will continue to wonder how their healthcare issues will be handled in the Post-Brexit era.

Image Credit: Pixabay

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Healthcare, Brexit, Post-Brexit, social care It is expected that health and social care in the UK will be affected with its withdrawal from the European Union.