• Zoom On Profile: Michael A.E. Ramsay

    Dr. Ramsay is Chairman of the Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Management at Baylor University Medical Center in Dallas, Texas, a position that he has held since 1989.  He is also Co-Medical Director of Operating Room Services.  He serves as a member of the Baylor University Medical Center Board of Trustees and is also a member of the Medical...

  • How nurse scheduling can be the difference between satisfaction and burnout

    By now, everyone is familiar with the impact that a shortage of nurses has on healthcare organisations. In any hospital, nurses are one of the highest budget components, and not just because of absolute employee numbers. Excessive overtime and the stress associated with it increases costs twice: first with the increased rate of pay, and second with...

  • Making healthcare delightful

    Healthcare futurist, entrepreneur, professor of molecular oncology, author and international keynote speaker, Koen Kas is driven by the aim to make healthcare personalised, preventive and, above all, delightful. He has published his vision in the books Sick no More, which describes how we will transition from reactive ‘sickcare’ to pro-active healthcare...

  • How cloud technology is changing the healthcare system

    Today the healthcare system is being totally transformed by the use of cloud technology. Here are some of the ways this is happening: C loud computing Cloud computing is more than just uploading your files in Yahoo! Groups or Google Communities to share with a common group. Today, it speaks of large data and resources that companies use....

  • Earthquakes and climate change: hospitals response to emergencies

    Ahead of the Society of Italian healthcare Architecture and Engineering (SIAIS) congress taking place this week in Italy, HealthManagement .org spoke to SIAIS President, Daniela Pedrini about the wider role and issues facing healthcare buildings in the face of emergencies. Hospitals play a vital role in looking after the community during and...

  • Breaking Down Silos with Architectural Innovation

    The Jacobs Institute’s (JI) i2R, or Idea to Reality Centre, specialises in taking vascular medical devices through to proof-of-concept. Breaking down silos and using a transdisciplinary approach to innovation is intuitive, but achieving it is a challenge. The i2R was built on the notion that developing informed and innovative solutions at a rapid...

  • The role of healthcare architecture in effective care with EuHPN

    The European Health Property Network (EuHPN) is holding a workshop for healthcare architecture stakeholders from across Europe with a focus on sharing knowledge on promoting better standards and management of health property throughout the EU. With the theme ‘Research and Evaluation for Care Infrastructure Closer to Home’, the workshop looks...

  • How can quality improvement be learned in bite sizes?

    Quality Improvement (QI) methods in healthcare are normally delivered through classroom-based education. This traditional way of training individuals creates an abundance of barriers such as financial outlay, geographical spread of learners, suitable time and venues for hosting training sessions etc. for educating multi-professional groups who need...

  • What is #hellomynameis day?

    23 July marks international #hellomynameis day, the campaign which spreads the message on something that is sadly lacking in some healthcare quarters: simple and human communication between staff and patients. HealthManagement.org caught up with campaign co-founder, Chris Pointon, to find out about the wildfire changes the campaign is making in...

  • What is VR's role in disaster recovery and emergency response training?

    As Virtual reality (VR) becomes more accessible, it has infiltrated most industries that are trying to use the newest technology to innovate their business practices. There are many instances in which experiencing a situation virtually offers many benefits, especially when attempting to prepare for high risk situations. This has made VR a highly beneficial...

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