• Overcoming Stigma: Men's Mental Health Awareness

      Real men don't cry – or at least that is what society has made us believe. Hypermasculinisation refers to a gender role that makes men feel crying is weak or feminine. Unfortunately, the trend has produced men who cannot express themselves, and bottling up these emotions leads to depression and harms mental health.     Everyone has their...

  • New WHO Guidance Promotes Fair and Ethical Management of International Health Worker Migration

      Today during World Health Worker Week, the World Health Organization (WHO) published guidance on  Bilateral agreements on health worker migration and mobility . The guidance was developed by WHO and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, with the International Labour Organization, as part of the Working for Health programme....

  • How Penn Medicine is Going Green for Good Health

      The patient lies still on the operating table, softly inhaling the anesthetic gases that keep her safely sedated during surgery. Then she breathes out, and the anesthesia that wasn’t metabolized by her body—roughly 95 percent of the gas flowing through the anesthesia machine—is exhaled, unused and unchanged. That gas is then vented through the...

  • Tackling the ‘Nursing Exodus’ in the Philippines

      The top supplier of nurses globally, the Philippines is hit with a shortage of nurses at home. Retention strategies could involve creating a positive working environment that boosts nurses’ work satisfaction and career development   The Philippines has been known as a major – if not the largest – exporter of nurses globally. It was estimated...

  • Everything You Need to Know About Pharmacy Benefit Management in Healthcare


  • How GamStop Protects Gamblers' Mental Health

      With the growing popularity of online casinos and bookies, it becomes a more and more hard-to-achieve goal to keep players safe from problem gambling. What seems like a fun and simple pastime at first sight can become an addiction, similar to alcohol and drugs, if used continuously without breaks.   According to the National Council on...

  • Responsible Gaming for a Healthy Lifestyle: The Intersection of Healthcare and Online Betting

        The data provided by Statista demonstrates that the number of online bettors worldwide is projected to reach 181.9 million by 2028. This shows how popular online betting is and proves it is a beloved pastime for many people.   However, along with having fun, it is also vital to stay safe and wager responsibly. Whether taking frequent...

  • The Value of Technology Consulting in Modernisation Efforts

      In today's changing world, keeping up with the times is no longer a choice but a must for businesses looking to stay ahead in the market. As companies in industries work towards modernising their operations and systems, tackling the complexities of the evolving tech landscape can feel overwhelming. This is where technology consulting steps in...

  • Tips to Maintain Positive Mental Health for Elderly People

      Ageing is a complex set of changes that people often underestimate and do not pay enough attention to. These changes may be positive as well as negative. However, elders can be involved in activities they like. This can prevent them from feeling lonely or lacking communication with friends, close ones, etc.   Based on the latest research,...

  • Gambling Mental Health Challenges: Why Responsible Gambling Is Essential

        Numbers say that 5% of the world population struggles with gambling addiction . And it doesn't seem serious until you realise that this means 580 MILLION people in the world. It equals the whole population of North America! Sure, the problem must be solved, and there already are some solutions. To understand the problem even better...

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