• Zoom On: Dr Arthur Kanowitz

    Dr Arthur Kanowitz has been an emergency medicine doctor for over 36 years and has spent the last 16 years focused on patient safety. From 2008 to 2017, Dr Kanowitz served as Colorado State Emergency Medical and Trauma Services (EMTS) Medical Director for Colorado’s Department of Public Health and Environment. Dr Kanowitz now serves as the Chair...

  • Need for Transparency in Era of COVID-19 Pandemic

    The current study of the Cyprus Integrity Forum (CIF) highlights the pitfalls that must be avoided to preserve the sustainability of our country, social equality and environmental integrity, and above all to protect the prestige of our country as a state of law and morality and not as a centre of opportunistic corruption as some have accused us...

  • Distance Teaching Process in Medical School – Georgian Example

    The 20th century was characterised by the intensive development of technologies and their application in different fields. Distance education is one of the best and prominent examples of technology transfer and information sharing. It enables the creation and usage of digital content to inform and train people as well as usage of tools (ie,...

  • Greek ‘Bras de Fer’ During Pandemic: Tutorial for Future

    It is a common view that the current situation, which we are asked to deal with, evokes smaller or bigger arguments. There was dogmatism that collapsed, ideological obsessions that were demolished, and Keynes-based policies that take peculiar revenge. At least, this is what has been said by the Greek Deputy Minister of Finance in an interview...

  • How COVID-19 has Created Ageism in Healthcare

    Regardless of age, gender and social status, there are very few aspects of our daily lives that have not been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Social distancing, ‘non-essentials’ working from home, wearing masks, and ‘Zooming’ with loved ones rather than seeing them in person, are all practices that (at some point or another in the last...

  • A Potted History of My Change

    For the last year I have been in a role working to create what it means to be a disruptive leader, a leader of innovation and change in a large, trusted and old organisation loved for its origins and trusted behaviour. Not quite 12 months in, and so much has suddenly happened. The world has changed rapidly, and now I am leading in an environment...

  • The Incredible Brightness of Leading

    COVID-19, a microscopic piece of genetic material, is testing our leadership.   Competence matters. In the midst of our crisis today we turn to the leadership of experts – epidemiologists, researchers, pharmacologists, doctors, health professionals, food producers, food distributors, refuse collectors, public utilities. We turn to...

  • Hospital Efficiency Analysis Through Social Value Added Index

    The role of social value for stakeholders is larger than ever – in healthcare as well as in other sectors because most organisations, public and private, are interested to know about the value they create for society. The financial aspects are not enough for this purpose since there is a need to identify the actions that create value,...

  • Zoom On: Dr Javier T. Dávila

    Dr Javier Dávila is an oral and maxillofacial surgeon. Throughout the 2000s he advised to Mexico’s Secretaries of Health and was Head of Medical Education, Research and Health Public Policies in Mexico. From 2012 to 2015, he served as Medical Director of the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS). Presently, Dr Dávila is working to...

  • COVID-19 Outbreak in Greece: Current Response, Personal Responsibility and Social Solidarity

    COVID-19 is already a severe public health emergency for citizens, societies and economies of 164 countries, inducing not only a major and unprecedented economic shock but also a social turmoil. According to a survey by McKinsey & Company (Craven et al. 2020), the COVID19 outbreak could potentially result in the decrease of global GDP of 2,5-2%...

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