• Training with Simulation in Nursing Care

    This article explores whether simulation could be a valuable tool for addressing the shortage of nurses in the healthcare sector and how it can provide realistic and safe learning environments for nursing students and professionals to practice their skills, gain confidence, and receive feedback.   Key points Simulation-based learning...

  • Healing from Within: The Silent Revolt for Mental Fitness in Healthcare

    Unmasking the high price of neglecting employee mental fitness and the path to lasting loyalty in the healthcare sector.   Key points According to a survey by the World Health Organization, 45% of healthcare workers are grappling with symptoms of depression, anxiety, or burnout. Many healthcare workers are leaving their jobs, and some...

  • The Necessary Multidisciplinarity for Common Health Achievements

    Health institutions are knowledge organisations whose raison d’être is patient care, i.e. prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation. Scientific advances, epidemiological changes and social demand require a new way of doing things in healthcare organisations. Therefore, we need to move towards transformational, empathetic, forward-looking,...

  • Responding to the Nursing Crisis: Surfing a Tsunami in the U.S., Smooth Sailing in Europe

    The expected shortfall of registered nurses by 2030 highlights the need to attract young people to the profession in massive numbers and then find the resources to educate and train them. The platform model is one resource that can help achieve this necessary goal—while addressing needs in the present.     Key points The nursing crisis...

  • From Polluting Healthcare Sector to Environmentally Conscious Healthcare Systems

    Awareness, systems approach, interaction from top-down and bottom-up, willingness and urgency to take action and tackle the climate change problem with the decarbonisation of the health sector will require efforts from people involved in healthcare and the environment, according to the principle of “One Health”. Interventions are urgent. Time is...

  • Why Climate-Smart Healthcare Must Be a Priority

    As a healthcare leader, you have the responsibility and opportunity to take action against climate change and prioritise zero emissions for your hospital.   Key points By taking climate action, healthcare can seize the opportunity to combat the greatest threat to human health and protect an already overstretched sector. You don’t have...

  • The Psychological Struggle: A Trading Mindset

    An overview of the psychological struggle many professional traders experience and how they can circumvent common pitfalls and save time.   Key Points Fear is one of the primary factors behind failure to achieve consistent success. It is impossible to eliminate emotion from trading, though one can learn to control their response to the...

  • How to Select a BI Solution for Your Healthcare Practice: A Five-Step Guide

    A huge amount of data is generated in healthcare. How can healthcare organisations process and benefit from this data? This article explores the use of business intelligence tools for data-driven decisions and insight.   With the expansion of diagnostics methods in healthcare, the amount of data generated, captured, and copied by devices has increased....

  • What Does For-Profit Ownership Imply for Hospital Management Sciences?

    For-profit hospitals are getting an ever-increasing share of the healthcare market. Since they do not structurally outperform other ownership types, questions arise on the desirability of this trend. For-profit strategies, such as consolidation, segmentalisation, and turnaround management, will affect the future hospital landscape and may disrupt...

  • Radiomics in Cardiovascular Imaging: Current Role and Future Perspectives

    Radiomics may lead to personalised management and treatment of cardiovascular diseases, which could impact patients’ prognosis.   Key Points In recent years, multiple radiomics-based tools have been investigated in the field of cardiovascular imaging. Radiomics may predict outcomes of cardiac diseases without the need of...

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