Fri, 22 Mar 2013
Today, Europeans do not have it easy. The various consequences of the economic and financial crises are obvious. Erroneously, these problems are associated with the union. Moreover, there is an increasing trend of countries moving back to nationalism and particularism. Even on a national level we cannot ignore endeavours to separate. Therefore it is all the more important that Europe is further dev...
42ND ORDINARY GENERAL ASSEMBLY 16/11/2012, DUSSELDORF, GERMANY President of EAHM, Mr. Heinz Kölking welcomed members to the General Assembly. This year’s agenda and the minutes from the 41st Ordinary General Assembly were unanimously approved. After this it was time for Mr. Kölking’s EAHM activity report. The objective of this report is to highlight the most important issues and special dev...
Turning The Tide: Resetting The Course Of Health And Social Care In Northern Ireland The Northern Ireland division of the Institute of Healthcare Management met in November of this year in the iconic surroundings of Titanic Belfast to discuss how best to cope with current changes within the sector. An international affair, presenters came from Wales, Ireland and Europe to show delegates different p...
HEALTH SPENDING IN EUROPE IN 2010 FELL FOR THE FIRST TIME IN DECADES Health spending per person and as a percentage of GDP fell across the European Union in 2010. This is one of the many findings in the "Health at a Glance: Europe 2012", a new joint report by the OECD and the European Commission. From an annual average growth rate of 4.6% between 2000 and 2009, health spending per person fell to -0....
Mr. Heinz Kölking, President of EAHM welcomed and thanked the speakers from across Europe and introduced the topic of the seminar: The European Directive on Cross-Border Healthcare. The deadline for implementation is less than a year away (25 October 2013) and it has been a key focus for the EAHM over the past year. He cast delegates’ minds back to last year’s seminar when the Directive was also t...
Staffing in hospitals has always been a hot issue. If the budget is tight and savings have to be made, all team managers will argue that it is impossible to do the same job with less people. If there are opportunities for expansion and investment, the central board will receive a bunch of ideas to engage more employees for more activity or better quality. In fact, decisions about staffing are in most cas...
The idea of real-time location has been in the popular culture for a long time. The concept of knowing where someone or something is in real time has always been enticing. It has been a recurring theme in science fiction (e.g. Star Trek) and fantasy (e.g. Harry Potter) and has long been a technology on the verge of reality. It has been in the popular mind so long that this has actually created one of the...
Over the last few years everybody involved in the IT world has been talking about the famous cloud. Maybe you have heard about it, but what are they actually referring to? Cloud computing essentially refers to a change of mentality in the way of developing the storage systems of either a company or a single user. This new paradigm allows the customers to hire IT services as if they were rentin...
PUTTING PATIENTS IN THE DRIVING SEAT: A DIGITAL FUTURE FOR HEALTHCARE The European Commission has unveiled an Action Plan to address barriers to the full use of digital solutions in Europe's healthcare systems. The goal is to improve healthcare for the benefit of patients, give patients more control of their care and bring down costs. While patients and health professionals are enthusiastically using tel...
Improving Cost Effectiveness and Patient Outcomes As the global healthcare landscape undergoes monumental change, healthcare IT is becoming a primary enabler of collaboration and cost management. Medical imaging, particularly the ability to move imaged data to the cloud, will create an opportunity for integration of existing technology into a new paradigm. Technological advances, such as the move to digi...
The Dutch healthcare model as introduced in 2006 is very successful and healthcare in the Netherlands is regarded by many as the best in Europe (Euro Health Consumer Index 2008, 2009). Indeed some countries, such as Ireland, are looking to the Dutch model for inspiration in the reform of their own healthcare systems. But is this model really as good as it seems? (E)Hospital spoke to Guy Peeters from the Maa...
In hospitals where nurses report better working conditions, nurses are less likely to leave the hospital and patients are more satisfied with their hospital stay and rate their hospitals more highly. These findings result from the Registered Nurse Forecasting (RN4CAST) study. This nurse workforce study was one of the largest studies of its kind and included a consortium of investigators from 15 countries...
Contributing to sustainable healthcare through a European medical technology industry alliance MedTech Europe is an Alliance of European medical technology industry associations. Its current members are EDMA, the European In Vitro Diagnostics Manufacturers Association, and Eucomed, the European Medical Technology Industry Association. Founded in 2012, the Alliance welcomes other European medical tec...
How is healthcare organised in Romania? Political changes in 1990 also affected the Romanian health system, which has gradually become two-tiered with a strong state component and a poorly represented private one, still to grow at national level. The private network has rapidly developed a number of specialisations (GP, dentistry, ophthalmology, dermatology etc.) Little by little, in all universit...
Actuellement, less Européansnont paslatâche facile. Les diverses conséquences de la crise économiqueet financière sont maintenant claires et imputées, à tort, à l’Union européenne. Nous constatons aussi que les pays ont tendance à se tourner de plus en plus vers le nationalismeet le particularisme, y compris au niveau national. Il me semble donc de la plus haute importance de developer une...
COMPTE RENDU DE LA 42ÈME ASSEMBLÉE GÉNÉRALE ORDINAIRE QUI S’EST TENUE LE 16 NOVEMBRE 2012 À DÜSSELDORF, ALLE M. Heinz Kolking, président de l'AEDH, a accueilli les membres à l'Assemblée générale. L’agenda 2012 et le compte rendu de la 41ème Assemblée générale ordinaire ont été approuvés à l'unanimité. Après cela, M. Kolking a pu présenter le rapport d'activité de l’AED...
L’application de la directive sur les soins de santé transfrontaliers en milieu hospitalier : comment gérer la qualité ? La directive européenne sur les droits des patients en matière de soins de santé transfrontaliers est entrée en vigueur le 24 avril 2011. Sa transposition en droit national dans les États membres doit être effectuée avant le 25 octobre 2013. Au cours de ce processus de...
UNSERE EUROPÄISCHE VERANTWORTUNG Überzeugte Europäer haben es heute nicht leicht. Die vielfältigen Auswirkungen der Finanz- und Schuldenkrise sind augenscheinlich. Zu Unrecht werden diese Probleme mit der Entwicklung in Europa in Verbindung gebracht. Darüber hinaus gibt es in vielen Ländern Europas die Tendenz zurück zur Nation und Kleinstaaterei. Selbst auf nationaler Ebene müssen wir Bestrebu...
42. ORDENTLICHE GENERALVERSAMMLUNG 16.11.2012, DÜSSELDORF Der Präsident der EVKD, Hr. Heinz Kölking, hieß die Mitglieder zur Ordentlichen Generalversammlung herzlich willkommen. Die diesjährige Tagesordnung sowie das Protokoll der 41. Ordentlichen Generalversammlung wurden einstimmig angenommen. Nachfolgend stellte Herr Kölking den Tätigkeitsbericht der EVKD vor. Tätigkeitsbericht Hi...
Die grenzüberschreitende Gesundheitsversorgung im Krankenhausalltag: Wie sieht das optimal Qualitätsmanagement aus? Am 24. April 2012 trat die EU-Richtlinie über Patientenrechte in der grenzüberschreitenden Gesundheitsversorgung in Kraft. Die Umsetzung in nationales Recht ist bis zum 25. Oktober 2013 abzuschließen. Während dieser Übergangsphase sollten die Akteure des Krankenhausmanagements...