
It would be an understatement to say that European hospitals are currently facing a number of challenges. Beyond the particularities and specific characteristics of each EU member state, questions are arising everywhere regarding the exact role of hospitals, their ability to meet patient expectations, their appeal in a highly competitive environment, changing financing structures, etc. Despite the apparen...


EAHM Acts on Mobility of Health Workforce After concluding its short survey in September 2007, the EAHM Subcommittee “European Affairs” has decided to further push ahead on the issue of mobility of health workforce. The EAHM survey, Mobility of Healthcare Professionals answered pertinent questions concerning migration of staff within countries and hospitals. Highlighted were inquires into whet...

Initial Information on Planned EU Action on Healthcare Services Following consultations, the Commission is preparing its action on healthcare services and cross-border healthcare. These issues have been discussed widely at the European level and the Commission has recognized the need to address current uncertainties about the application of community law to health services, and to provide support for eff...

Author:Rory Watson Health Consumer Index and MRI legislation Austria runs a healthcare system that is consumer friendly and provides excellent results, according to the Euro Health Consumer Index, which nominates the country as the winner in its latest annual survey. It is placed narrowly ahead of the Netherlands, France, Switzerland, Germany and Sweden. At the other end of the table are several “new�...

Internet Internet users can now have access to their own medical file on the Internet. Thanks to the HealthVault site, proposed by Microsoft, patients can manage and store their own medical records. Financed by targeted ads, the site contains a search engine and specialised tools with which patients can, for instance, control their weight or the evolution of their condition. Microsoft officials claim tha...


Author:Ewa Gojniczek,EMC Consulting group,Brussels, BelgiumEmail: [email protected]...

Authors: David Greenfield, PhD, Research Fellow Jeffrey Braithwaite, PhD, Professor and DirectorCentre for Clinical...

Author: Karen Timmons is President and CEO of Joint Commission International (JCI), which is part of Joint Commission Resources (JCR), an affiliate of the Joint Commission. Through international consultation, accreditation, publication, and education, JCI helps to improve the quality of patient care around the world.www.join...

Author: Maximilian C. von Eiff,Project Group Medical Economy,Department of Clinical and Administrative Data Processing,...

Capacity Planning

Authors: Dr. Boris Augurzky, Division chief Labor markets,population and health, Rheinisch-Westfälisches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung e.V., Germany...

Author: Knut H. Bergsland,Senior adviser, SINTEF Health Research,Trondheim, NorwayEmail: [email protected] Most European hospitals will have to expa...

Author: André Calame, manager, Inselspital,Bern, SwitzerlandEmail andre.calame(at)insel.ch und...

Country Focus: Belgium

Author: Kristof Eeckloo,Centre for health services and nursing research, Faculty of medicine,Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium...

Authors: Professor Marie-Christine ClosonCentre of the Socioeconomics of Health,School of Public Health, Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium...

Author: Prof. E. Engelbrecht,President of BVZD-ABDH-BVKD, BelgiumEmail: [email protected] Founded in the early 1970s as a defacto association representing Belgian hospital managers, th...


Paul Castel Président de l’AEDH Les Managers De La Santé et Les Outils d’Evolution Des Organisations Il est peu dire que les hôpitaux européens doivent actuellement faire face à de nombreux défis. Au-delà des particularités et des spécificités de chacun des états membres, partout des interrogations surgissent sur le rôle des hôpitaux, leur capacité à répondre aux attentes des pa...

L’AEDH Agit Pour la Mobilité du Personnel de Santé L’étude de l’AEDH, Mobilité Des Professionnels de Santé of Healthcare Professionals a répondu à des questions pertinentes concernant la migration du personnel au niveau national et hospitalier. Les questions portaient sur la façon dont le personnel migrant était considéré, comme un bienfait ou comme un fardeau; sur des sujets spécifi...

Systèmes d’Evaluation De La Qualité en Soins de Santé Une Perspective Européenne p. 14 Par Ewa Gojniczek Un problème commun à tous les hôpitaux de l’UE est la nécessité d’une norme pour des soins de haute qualité ainsi que les moyens de la mesurer et de la garantir. Quatre approches externes de base coexistent pour l’évaluation de la qualité de la gestion du service: Certification i...


Paul Castel Präsident der EVKD Möglichkeiten Der Organisationsentwicklung Für Gesundheitsmanager Es ist allgemein bekannt, dass europäische Krankenhäuser heute zahlreichen Herausforderungen gegenüber stehen. Neben den Partikularitäten und spezifischen Gegebenheiten in jedem Mitgliedstaat, laufen überall Diskussionen über die Rolle der Krankenhäuser, deren Kapazität, den Anforderungen der Pa...

EVKD Agiert Zum Thema „Mobilität Des Gesundheitspersonals“ Die kürzlich von der EVKD ausgeführte Blitzumfrage „Mobilität des Gesundheitspersonals” beantwortete Fragen, wie z.B. ob das betroffene Land oder Krankenhaus von der Mobilität des Gesundheitspersonals profitiert oder darunter leidet, wie hoch der Prozentsatz des eingesetzten aus dem Ausland stammenden Personals im Land und in Beispie...

Qualitätsevaluierungssysteme in Der Gesundheitsversorgung Eine Europäische Perspektive p. 14 Von Ewa Gojniczek Ein gemeinsames Problem für alle Krankenhäuser in der EU ist die Notwendigkeit einer Norm für die qualitativ hochwertige Gesundheitsversorgung und die Möglichkeit diese zu messen und zu garantieren. Vier Ansätze der externen Evaluierung der Qualität der Verwaltung des jeweiligen...

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