Healthcare futurist, entrepreneur, professor of molecular oncology, author and international keynote speaker, Koen Kas is driven by the aim to make healthcare personalised, preventive and, above all, delightful. He has published his vision in the books Sick no More, which describes how we will transition from reactive ‘sickcare’ to pro-active healthcare and Your guide to Delight, a roadmap towards creating health, dealing with change, and introducing our personal ‘Digital Twin’ as the ultimate personal assistant guiding us through life. 

HealthManagement caught up with him and asked about his insights into the concept of ‘Delight’ in healthcare management and practice.

How can the healthcare C-suite manage departments/ hospitals for better outcomes? 

Being resilient, dealing with the unknown, with change, is exactly what will keep you and your company relevant and ‘young’. Therefore:

a) Build a culture of trust, curiosity, experimentation and sharing

Would you like to have an example on how to combine these four elements in one go? Hire a child (or at least a millennial) for your advisory board. That’s an experiment, with someone who certainly has not yet lost their curiosity. For sure, it requires some trust from you that this is a good idea in the first place.

b) Open-up (part of) your company DNA and share data and knowledge to boost innovation. 

Allow 3rd parties to play with your data. See for instance – allowing the design of lifestyle apps for diabetes patients, based on data from Dexcom medical device users

c) Think product -> service  -> experience -> delight 

d) Use novel technology (artificial intelligence (AI) applications you can no longer neglect) to anticipate what happens to your client / patient / customer. Anticipation, making use of real world data creates delight

What are the healthcare projects you are involved in now that are exciting you most?

a) Design of the Pharmacy of the future: the client / patient doesn’t receive pills, he/she receives advice from a trusted party (the pharmacist) to live healthy (mobile health tools, dietary advice, fitness coaching, all accompanied with an experience App)
b) Development of baseline health, as a way to deal with real world data, allowing pharma companies to better understand how patient benefits from medication in a personalised fashion
c) Development of new ways to combine HR data from corporates with real world data from their employers to anticipate burnout 
d) Development of a gaming environment to provide people aged 55 plus an engaging way to stay vital and resilient

Both Sick No More and Your Guide to Delight by Koen Kas are available at: 

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