Workforce challenges are rampant in healthcare, raising the question: Could Netflix's buzzy employment strategy be the answer? Implementing Netflix's "Keeper Test" in healthcare might promote transparency, communication, personal growth, and productivity among staff. However, the strategy might also create a fear of job loss, be perceived as a lack of investment in employees, and present legal challenges in the healthcare setting. Would you still choose to implement a similar strategy? Netflix has provided the world with hours of binge-worthy content—is it now providing us with a successful healthcare workforce strategy?


What is the Keeper Test?

As you may or may not know, to stay competitive, Netflix has a unique termination policy called "The Keeper Test," which ends employment relationships with employees whose managers wouldn't fight hard to keep them onboard. The Keeper Test encourages managers to ask themselves whether they would rehire a current employee if they came in this morning looking for a job. If not, managers are encouraged to let the employee go, often with a severance package.


Netflix says this policy promotes transparency. Because there are no formal reviews, managers are encouraged to discuss performance openly and consistently. The approach allows employees to know where they stand compared to their peers so they can make any necessary adjustments to stay on top. While this strategy can work well in certain industries, would it work in healthcare?


Potential Benefits in Healthcare

Implementing Netflix’s "Keeper Test" in a healthcare setting could potentially provide significant benefits. One of the primary advantages is promoting transparency and open communication. The Keeper Test encourages managers and employees to have regular, honest conversations about performance. In healthcare, where feedback on performance is crucial for providing quality patient care, this transparency can be incredibly beneficial.


The Keeper Test also encourages personal growth. Just like in the entertainment industry, healthcare employees might find that, while they have a great job, it might not be the right fit for them or the organisation. This strategy can help healthcare employees identify areas for growth and development, ensuring that they are continually improving their skills and competencies.


Furthermore, this approach could reduce turnover. By implementing a policy that requires employees to continuously work at their best, healthcare organizations might see a reduction in voluntary turnover. A more stable workforce leads to better patient outcomes and a more consistent level of care.

Challenges and Drawbacks

Despite its potential benefits, the Keeper Test may fall short in the healthcare sector due to several challenges. First, it could create a fear of job loss among employees. Healthcare workers, whether on the front lines or behind the scenes, already operate in a high-stress environment. The additional anxiety and tension from the fear of losing their jobs could negatively impact patient care and employee morale.


Moreover, some healthcare employees might perceive the Keeper Test as a lack of investment in their professional development and well-being. Continuous learning and career advancement are often prioritised in healthcare organisations. A strategy perceived as overly cutthroat could undermine these values, leading to dissatisfaction and disengagement among staff.


Legal considerations also pose significant challenges. Healthcare organisations must navigate complex employment laws and regulations, especially concerning termination practices. The potential for discrimination claims or other legal issues might deter healthcare leaders from adopting the strategy.


Unique Dynamics in Healthcare

The healthcare industry has its own set of unique challenges and dynamics that don't align with the competitive nature of the Keeper Test. The vast differences in roles across healthcare make this strategy difficult to implement evenly. Should physicians be held to productivity standards like revenue cycle staff are? Patient care, ethical considerations, and teamwork are crucial components of healthcare that may not fit well with a cut-throat employment strategy.


Workforce challenges are indeed rampant in healthcare, and new strategies need to be crafted to address these issues. While Netflix’s Keeper Test has proven successful in other industries, balancing the need for transparency, productivity, and personal growth with the unique challenges of healthcare is essential. Maintaining a positive work environment and delivering quality patient care should remain the top priorities. Therefore, while the Keeper Test offers some intriguing possibilities, its implementation in healthcare requires careful consideration and adaptation to fit the sector's unique demands.


Source: HealthLeaders

Image Credit: iStock


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Netflix Keeper Test, healthcare workforce strategy, healthcare transparency, employee productivity, workforce challenges Explore how Netflix's "Keeper Test" could revolutionize healthcare workforce challenges by promoting transparency and personal growth, despite potential drawbacks.