HealthManagement, Volume 24 - Issue 3, 2024



This letter from Cyprus highlights how overcoming local market challenges through perseverance and the wisdom of mentors can transform obstacles into opportunities, leading to a thriving career. Celebrating 25 years in business, Michael R. Virardi emphasises the importance of continuous learning, networking, and maintaining a high level of performance to obtain and sustain success.


Key Points

  • Overcoming Market Challenges: Addressing the local market's resistance to progressive business practices.
  • Seizing Business Opportunities: Recognizing and capitalising on untapped potential in the local market.
  • Mentorship and Study: Gaining insights from influential business mentors and personal guidance from the author's father.
  • Value of Networking: Utilizing online education and networking to connect with and learn from others.
  • Celebrating Longevity: Marking 25 years of continuous growth and success in the business arena.


Every successful person will tell you that, at some point in their life and career, they were forced to deal with a challenge of some kind – anything from having to endure a severe illness to persevering despite receiving hundreds of rejection letters. In my case, the major problem was the local market, which was not ready for what other, more progressive nations – especially the USA – considered as essential components of good business practice (e.g. keynote addresses, educational management retreats, workshops, seminars, etc.).


Seizing Opportunities: Lessons from a Blank Page and the Wisdom of Mentors

My hopes rested on the lesson gleaned from the well-known funny story about the two shoe salesmen who visited a distant country, where they were surprised to discover that all the people there walked around in their bare feet. One of them called his manager at the company’s headquarters and told him there was no possibility of making any sales there since no one wore shoes. The other called the same manager to report that there was a huge sales opportunity for precisely the same reason: no one wore shoes!


So, in “barefoot” Cyprus, I saw my opportunity and seized it. With no other serious challenge on the horizon, I knew that it would all be about perseverance and resilience if I were to realise my dream of having a career beyond the borders of my small island. I, therefore, spent thousands of hours reading and studying. Inside the pages of many remarkable and value-packed books, I found future mentors like Jeffrey Gitomer, Brian Tracy, Chet Holmes, Jim Rohn and many others. Since there was no Internet in Cyprus until 1995 and, at the time (1999), no YouTube, my only in-person mentor and teacher was my late father, Rolando, whose invaluable wisdom and influence were equally significant.


From Online Education to International Invitations: A 25-Year Journey of Learning and Success

Eventually, online education—in its broadest sense—gave me access to a huge pool of inspired writers and speakers, whose tactics and styles I could learn from and attempt to emulate. Networking rooms proved to be of crucial value, and I saw for myself how ideas multiply when exchanged and people become even more formidable when they truly connect. Some of the professional connections that I made at the start of the millennium have now lasted for over two decades. 


I finally reached the stage where I had written two best-selling books of my own, and slowly but surely, I began to make massive progress in the local business arena, gradually leading to invitations from abroad.



My journey started in 1999, and despite some lows and highs, it has been an amazing one. As I celebrate 25 years in business, I always keep in mind one particular saying, which has its roots in the theatrical world: “You are only as good as your last performance.” This keeps me alert, ensures that I take nothing for granted, and drives me to work consistently to the highest levels of my ability.


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