Jacobs Institute idea to Reality (i2R) Centre addresses major health crisis. A medical innovation centre shows how a one-stop-shop approach to CVD medical device creation is accelerating impactful results for all stakeholders. There is a global health crisis in cardiovascular disease that will require out-of-the-box thinking, collaborations,...
READ MOREThe European Commission has announced a new action plan to tackle the debilitating impact of the financial crisis, which it says in a new document, has “wiped out years of economic and social progress and exposed structural weaknesses in Europe's economy”. To achieve a sustainable future, the recently launched Digital Agenda action plan outlines...
READ MOREMedtronic Data Proves Corevaive Performance New clinical data demonstrate positive long-term performance and durability for the Corevalve transcatheter aortic valve replacement system from Medtronic, Inc. Two-year results from the pivotal 18- French Corevalve multicentre prospective study provide important additional evidence supporting wider...
READ MOREAuthors Prof. Ernst R. Schwarz (on the left) Dr. Raja Dashti Cedars-sinai. Heart Institute Cedars-sinai Medical Center and University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) Los Angeles, California, U.s. [email protected] In part one of this article, we presented the...
READ MOREDuring the last twenty-five years there has been extraordinary progress in the field of invasive cardiology, as well as indisputable improvement in the clinical results regarding the treatment of heart diseases, and especially of ischaemic heart disease. Coronary angioplasty, first alone and subsequently with the use of a variety of stents, has...
READ MOREThe Case for Coronary Heart Disease Tailored post-intervention follow-up programmes for patients are key in ensuring the quality of patient care and completing the treatment cycle. In this article, we look at the case for coronary artery disease (CAD) patients, and discuss the results of a study carried oout at the Latvian Centre of Cardiology...
READ MOREThe search for a conclusive answer to the optimal treatment of patients with asymptomatic or symptomatic carotid artery disease (CAD) is an ongoing and long-lasting debate. The choice between carotid endarterectomy (CEA), carotid artery stenting (CAS) and/or optimal medical therapy to treat patients with CAD, depends on their risk profile. Re...
READ MOREPatient monitoring is vital to many aspects of healthcare, in operatin g rooms, intensive care and critical care units as well as step-down units. Products vary from specialised single-parameter instruments to monitors with the ability to measure multiple parameters and interface with other devices. This article reviews the current status and likely...
READ MOREImagine you are a hospital manager about to appear on TV to answer allegations over lapses in patient safety. You have never been on TV before, but you pride yourself on your communication skills. (You really know your subject and have been invited to lecture all over the world.) In the studio, you find yourself competing for airtime against an...
READ MOREAccording to the annual Euro Health Consumer Index, the Netherlands has the best healthcare system in Europe. It topped the European survey for the second year running scoring highly in waiting times for patients, e-health and access to medication. Many also believe that system in the Netherlands is a good model for healthcare in the U.S. This article provides...