• Review of Anticoagulants:

    Improving the Management of Thromboembolitic Prevention in Routine Practice Anticoagulants are recommended for a wide variety of indications, including the prevention of venous thromboembolism (VTE; comprising deep vein thrombosis [DVT] and pulmonary embolism [PE]), the treatment of VTE, stroke prevention in patients with atrial fibrillation (AF)...

  • Interview with Prof. R. Ferrari, President of the European Society of Cardiology

    Firstly Congratulations on Your New Appointment as ESC President 2008 – 2010. Do You Feel You have Now Reached the Greatest Heights in Your Professional Life? Yes, I consider the Presidency of the ESC a great honour. Which of Your Previous Roles Within the ESC are Close to Your Heart? Co-chairman of the Working Group on Pathophysiology...

  • CV Therapeutics Announces License Agreement

    The Menari Group have been granted exclusive rights to Ranexa. The agreement grants rights to Menarini for Ranexa in 68 countries, including the 27 countries of the European Union, the Commonwealth of Independent States and certain countries in Central and South America. The deal included an upfront payment of 70 million dollars and further payments...

  • Radi Medical Systems Inc. Announces Clearance of Pressure Wire Certus

    Previously only cleared for use in the coronary and peripheral blood vessels, PressureWire Certus can now be used to assess pressure measurements across heart valves and into various chambers of the heart. It can also be used in the assessment of Fractional Flow Reserve (FFR). FFR expresses the maximum achievable blood flow in a coronary artery with...

  • St Jude Medical Announce Clearance of Implantable Device

    The SJM Confirm™ implantable cardiac monitor (ICM) is a compact device designed to help physicians detect abnormal heart rhythms in patients with unexplained symptoms. It enables the evaluation of heart rhythm signals over a longer period of time compared to standard monitoring tests and it is the smallest ICM available which can be implanted in an...

  • Cardiology Management

    Dear Readers,   Medical science in practice has always been closely dependent on prevailing economic, social, and cultural conditions. This was true in ancient times and has remained true until the present   day. Never before, though, has that science shown such rapid advances, while at the same time being so crucially tied to costs,...

  • Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Technology Development

    Author Dervla Gleeson Managing Editor   The Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development (FP7) is the European Union's (EU) main instrument for funding research in Europe. Running from 2007 to 2013, it will execute a budget during that period of €50.5 billion and an additional Euratom budget for the...

  • European Summit on Cardiovascular Disease Prevention

    "Bridging the unacceptable gap between what is recommended and what is achieved in daily practice regarding the prevention of cardiovascular disease" is how Prof Guy De Backer, Chairman of the CVD Prevention Committee of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC), summarises the aim of the European Summit on Cardiovascular Disease Prevention.  ...

  • Profile of the Hellenic Cardiological Society: Profile, Structure & Goals

    Author Dr. Anastasia N. Kitsiou Cardiology Department, Sismanoglio Hospital Athens, Greece [email protected]   The Hellenic Cardiological Society (HCS) was founded in Athens on September 7, 1948, and has been closely linked to the history of cardiology in Greece. The HCS is also one of the 14 founding...

  • Educating Cardiologists in Greece: An Overview of the System

    Author Prof. Dennis V. Cokkinos Professor Emeritus Director First Department of Cardiology, Onassis Cardiac Surgery Centre Athens, Greece [email protected]   Cardiovascular diseases, as the primary cause of mortality and morbidity, have increasingly necessitated the expansion and development...

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