• 2084

    In his groundbreaking novel ‘1984’, British writer George Orwell portrayed a futuristic world that could only be imagined at the time of its 1948 publication. With incisive foresight, even without its dystopian character, 1984 showed a society watched by an all-seeing eye that is evident in today’s data-driven digital world. Technology is not good,...

  • Committing to the future of medicine

      The future is not so far off as a new book on future healthcare shows   A new book released by Jacobs Institute has its finger on the pulse of the lightning-speed changes happening in healthcare and how stakeholders will need to adapt to stay ahead.   Peering into the future of healthcare is less about predictions and more about...

  • Let's change before we have to

      The rac e is on to implement technology effectively for improved liaising and better health outcome s.   Health technology can change healthcare but only with implementation of basics such as collaboration, communication and easy exchange, combined with transformation of some traditional workflows.   AirBNB, TripAdvisor,...

  • Logistics robots to support care: a Finnish study

      How to introduce robotics into a healthcare setting for a smooth transitio n. Study shows that Change Management can make or break success of robotics implementation in a hospital setting. Key areas in which innovative technology is contributing to healthcare include improving efficiency and  productivity. Hospital hallways often...

  • The challenges and opportunities of tomorrow’s radiologist

    Radiology facing its future head on. An overview of how smart  tools such as artificial intelligence should perhaps  not be feared, but rather accepted and embraced. The future of radiology is indeed a hot topic in healthcare today. The role that smart technologies such as...

  • Prepare your hospital for the future

      Healthcare experts aroun d the globe weigh in on the future of the secto r. Globally-crowdsourced input has shown that technology will trigger huge transformation in healthcare in the next decade with early adopters reaping  long-term rewards.   Healthcare is changing rapidly in the face of technological advancements—with...

  • Future medicine, today's healthcare

    Is the “Smart Hospital” a chance for change? Prof. Heinemann explains how futuristic and smart technologies that are used in preventive and diagnostic  healthcare, are embedded in a new digital professionalism and quality. Artificial intelligence (AI) in diagnostic radiology, robots in nursing and operating theatres, augmented and virtual reality...

  • Utility of artificial intelligence in cardiology

    A step forward for daily practice. Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools are proving their utility in the evolving field of cardiology. However, it's necessary that cardiologists understand their full potential in order to use them efficiently in the near future. Decision making in medicine Nowadays, the decision-making process in medicine is a...

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    Financial and practical road blocks fail to stop rise and rise of heal

    The growing impact of artificial intelligence on healthcare is already being felt, even if opportunities for using AI technology are just beginning...

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    Deep Learning to redefine the role of radiology: Dr. Paul Chang report

    The role of deep learning (DL) and artificial intelligence (AI) within radiology continues to spark both fear and interest, yet the reality...

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