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    Hip Arthritis: AI Versus Radiologists

      A new study published in the journal Radiology describes the feasibility of using a deep learning model to accurately assess radiograp

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    Italy Outlines 7-Point Plan on AI-Imaging Ethics

    Italian researchers have addressed the question of ethics in deployment of AI in radiology processes as the technology brings up questions about...

  • Reimagining Hospitals

      One of the most cost-effective ways to reinvent hospitals will be through information technology. Over the next decade we can give hospitals the equivalent of brains and nervous systems. The fully digitised hospital of the future will become a healing machine, sensitive to the precise needs of each patient, seamlessly supporting human caregivers...

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    44th IHF World Hospital Congress’ Call for Abstracts extended until...

    44th IHF World Hospital Congress’ Call for Abstracts extended until 14 February

  • Reimagined Hospitals

    In 10 years, the healthcare system will be a different beast. The power of technology and data will change the way we face the current challenges driving us towards more integrated care based on population health and value, with increased patient engagement. This all means the old healthcare provision paradigm is crumbling. Not that hospitals will...

  • RSNA 2019: Radiologists Can Be Optimistic About AI

    Summary: The technological advances showcased at RSNA 2019 pointed to a positive turning point for a leading radiologist who has seen the rises and falls of the profession over five decades. When traveling to my nearly 45th Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) meeting in November 2019, I felt mixed emotions. As my career is moving towards...

  • Bright Ideas

    HealthManagement.org rounds up exciting developments that have all the characteristics of game-changers for healthcare. What do you think? AI Breast Cancer Diagnosis Matches Two Doctors A study suggested that AI diagnoses breast cancer from mammograms more accurately than radiologists.A computer, specially designed and trained by...

  • Leveraging Artificial Intelligence to Elevate Narrative-Based Medicine

    Which clinical specialty will be most disrupted by Artificial Intelligence? Will it be radiology or narrative-based medicine? Prof. Mathias Goyen explains. The avalanche of healthcare data (clinical, imaging, genomic, lab etc) is mind-blowing and only likely to accelerate as precision health matures. Consequently, medicine will become even...

  • Is There an Alternative to Costly Tech For Future Healthcare?

    Summary: An HIT expert gives his view on how healthcare can be revamped by harnessing technology for existing care modalities rather than overhauling the entire system. I think the next few years will be characterised by a much better exploitation of systems that are used routinely in the care system. My impression is that we have a lot of...

  • The Application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Healthcare Systems

    The value proposition of artificial intelligence solutions in healthcare have been well described 1 and it is apparent that ‘narrow AI’ will have a role in every stage in the clinical workflow; in Radiology this means optimisation of every step in the pathway from the appropriateness of clinical requests for imaging 2 to ensuring that recommendations...

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