• Zeus Infinity Empowered Drager's Most Advanced Anaesthesia Workstation

    The new Zeus Infinity Empowered (IE) provides seamless integration of ventilation, volatile and intravenous anaesthesia, patient monitoring and information management in a single, elegant solution. ICU-quality ventilation, Target controlled anaesthesia and an intuitive and simple user interface design philosophy are just some of the innovative...

  • The Polycompartment Syndrome

    Part One: Pathophysiology and Pressure Measurement of Pelvic and Abdominal Compartment Syndromes Introduction A Compartment Syndrome (CS) exists when the increased pressure in a closed anatomic space threatens the viability of surrounding tissue. Within the body there are 4 compartments, the head, the chest, the abdomen and the extremities....

  • From Ambulance to ICU

    The continuum of care is best divided into five distinct areas in order to identify all of the key roles. These areas include: prehospital care, emergency department care, specialty care (i.e. cardiac catheterisation lab, critical care transport teams), general inpatient care areas, and intensive care. We have also identified eleven possible points...

  • Variation in ICU Resources Across Countries

    Intensive care resources vary greatly across countries and impact delivery of care. Better understanding of these differences is needed to improve quality of care while minimising costs. The delivery of healthcare occurs at the local level, yet the economics of healthcare and the resources for a given society are often shaped at a national...

  • Interview with Jeffrey Lipman

    Jeffrey Lipman is Director of the Department of Intensive Care Medicine, Royal Brisbane and Womens' Hospital, Professor and Head of Anaesthesiology and Critical Care, University of Queensland. Sherry Scharff asked this ICU Management Editorial Board Member to share his thoughts on management challenges, the effects of economic downturn in his part...

  • US Healthcare Overview

    Organisation of the Health System The United States' health system is actually a cluster of health systems of diverse complexity. Federal, state, and local governments have defined, often in concert with one another, their roles in protecting the public's health. State public health departments are not under the jurisdiction of federal health...

  • Is the US Ready for Obama

    It has been described as the beginning of a new era in the US; one of change with a push towards equality and balance among citizens. Critics of the new President and his proposed platform have even gone so far as to call it a "socialist agenda" (Daily Herald – Utah; November 1, 2008). Given this pretence, are we to expect the birth of universal healthcare...

  • Medical Errors: A Nurses Role

    Nurses have a genuine impact on patient safety. Studies have found a link between patient safety and RN staffing and an increase rate of error when the hospital nursing staff with a smaller proportion of RNs (Ramsey 2005). Other studies have shown that increasing the nurse to patient ratio by 1 can significantly impact the 30-day mortality in surgical...

  • 29th International Symposium on Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine (ISICEM)

    ISICEM 2009 welcomed more than 5000 participants from over 78 countries around the world to a buffet of controversial topics and debate. Here is just a taste of some of the topics covered at this years groundbreaking meeting: Tight Glucose Control: Yes or No?  The debate about tight glucose control continues. Hyperglycaemia is associated with...

  • The 22nd Annual Congress of the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine

    As one of the biggest and most successful annual critical care meetings in the world, this ESICM will surely once again not disappoint its' participants. Held over three days, the congress will feature ten parallel sessions with over 800 lectures, presentations, debates, round table discussions, tutorials and interactive educational sessions. A faculty...

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