Featured in HealthManagement.org

  • How Twitter is Changing the Congress Experience

    • 16/02/2017

      At HealthManagement.org, we use congress sessions as an opportunity to educate our Twitter followers. Twitter is more than just another social media platform. It enables users to transmit real-time information and it has changed how we receive and send out data. The internet has annihilated distances and places. We are in different countries at different moments, yet we can all communicate...

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    Top 3 Mindfulness Resources for Medical Doctors

    Mindfulness is en vogue: the search volume has nearly quadrupled over the last 5 years according to Google Trends and the PubMed results count echoes this exponential growth as well. Mindfulness...

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    New Software for Fast and Accurate Interpretation in Radiology

    The new software, Tracking Equilibrium and Nonequilibrium shifts in Data (TREND), can quickly analyse a series of images such as CT, MRI, ultrasound or any video from scientific equipment of all kinds

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    Top 5 Hyped Technologies in Healthcare

    1.    Wearables and sensors The most popular trackers are able to measure movement to assess sleep quality and exercise patterns. Other trackers measure brain waves during meditation.

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