• Simona Agger Ganassi

    ut sementem feceris, ita metes (Cicero)

    Architect-urban planner. Taught at Venice and at US Universities. In the US has worked at the Oakridge National Laboratory on Renewable Energy. As part of Italian MoH “Evaluation of Investments Team”, worked on regional health infrastructures financing programmes. She has participated on EU financed projects on Renewable Energy for hospitals (RES-Hospitals) and on Public Procurement of Innovation (EcoQUIP). Has conceived and directed the study “Sustainable and Climate Change Resilient Healthcare Facilities in Europe: the Challenge” (2018) supported by IFHE-EU. Author of a book on Urbanism, publishes articles and give presentation at Conferences, Congresses, Workshops. Is Chairman of the Board of European Health Property Network and Council Member of S.I.A.I.S. and IFHE-International.

    Please log into your account to view faculty contact details.

    Email —  ******@***gmail.com
    Member of the Council of Health Care Without Harm –Europe (HCWH –EU) Member of the Board, European Health Property Network (EuHPN) Member of the National Council of SIAIS | Italy —  www.euhpn.eu | www.noharm-europe.org | www.siais.it

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