• Joanna Bayley

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    Email —  ******@***nbt.nhs.uk
    Programme Director Chief Executive's Office, North Bristol NHS Trust

Featured in HealthManagement.org

  • Medication Compliance Aids - Towards Smarter & Safer Use

    • 28/02/2015

    Medication compliance aids (MCAs) are used extensively in Bristol. In July 2014, 20% of all the drugs for patients being discharged (To Take Away [TTAs]) prepared by the North Bristol Trust (NBT) pharmacy were dispensed in MCAs. 94% of these were for patients already using MCAs at the time of their hospital admission, rather than being initiated during their admission. Other local hospital providers...

  • Pharma Supplement

    • 28/02/2015

    European Association of Hospital Pharmacists Joan Peppard , President-Elect European Association of Hospital Pharmacists EAHP represents hospital pharmacists at European and international levels Risks in Dietary Supplements Asli Ozyildirim , Pharmacy Manager, vKv  Amerikan Hastanesi, Turkey The safety of these treatments has become one of the major concerns of local and...

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