• Morten Elbaek Petersen

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    CEO Danish eHealth Portal

Featured in HealthManagement.org

  • Leading the way in patient healthcare portals

    • 25/01/2018

    Th e r e i s n o “ o n e - s i z e - f i t s - a l l ” a p p r o a c h t o p a t i e n t po r t a l s. With the Eu r opean Commission's eHealth Action Plan 2012-2020 f or wide digital health imple mentation in the w or k s, sundhed.dk  ...

  • Morten Elbæk Petersen, CEO, sundhed.dk

    • 06/10/2015

    “Understand stakeholders’ needs and strategies – sometimes before they are aware of them themselves Morten Elbæk Petersen is the CEO of the innovative Danish public health portal sundhed.dk. Launched in 2002 for citizens and health professionals and the largest patient portal in Europe, the site won Petersen the HIMSS Europe eHealth Leadership Award this year. Today,...

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