• Juan Carlos Gómez-Esteban

    Please log into your account to view faculty contact details.

    Email —  ******@***osakidetza.eus
    Neurodegenerative Diseases Group Biocruces Bizkaia Health Research Institute
    Neurology Service Hospital of Cruces Barakaldo, Spain
    Neuroscience Department University of Basque Country (UPV/EHU) Leioa, Spain

Featured in HealthManagement.org

  • vCare: Designing Individualised Virtual Rehabilitation

    • 29/04/2022

    New Clinical Pathways for Parkinson’s Patients An overview of the vCare design of a clinical pathway, by using the specific example of Parkinson’s disease. Key Points There is a major systematic gap in what is on offer in terms of rehabilitation to patients with Parkinson’s disease. vCare combines an individualised clinical p athway, that has been activated by a clinician,...

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