• Jodi Keller

    Jodi Keller is a Registered Nurse with thirty six years experience; with fifteen of those years serving as the charge nurse in the emergency department at Bucyrus Community Hospital. Jodi currently serves as the Associate Director of Healthcare System Emergency Preparedness for Central Ohio. In this role, she oversees the systemic coordination of central Ohio hospitals and community healthcare partners’ emergency planning and response to promote disaster/terrorism preparedness in the region and state. Jodi also oversees the coverage of the COTS Healthcare Incident Liaison (HIL) role 24/7. In the past ten years, Jodi has facilitated the expansion of the regional hospital preparedness committee to include other healthcare partners into a regional healthcare coalition throughout central Ohio. Information sharing and obtaining situational awareness with these partners has been the goal of this expanded organization. In January of 2019, COTS became the regional coordination agency for the 21 counties of Southeastern Ohio as well as central Ohio. This puts 41% of Ohio under the responsibility of the Central Ohio Trauma System for Healthcare Coalition Coordination and Response. For the past 24 months, Jodi has been coordinating the healthcare response to the COVID 19 pandemic throughout the 15 counites in the central Ohio region.

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    Email —  ******@***centralohiotraumasystem.org
    Associate Director of Healthcare System Emergency Preparedness Central Ohio Trauma System | Columbus, OH, USA

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