Featured in HealthManagement.org

  • The challenges and opportunities of tomorrow’s radiologist

    • 25/01/2018

    Radiology facing its future head on. An overview of how smart  tools such as artificial intelligence should perhaps  not be feared, but rather accepted and embraced. The future of radiology is indeed a hot topic in healthcare today. The role that smart technologies such as deep learning (DL) and artificial intelligence (

  • Turning burnout into bright futures

    • 09/11/2017

    Why burnout needs to be addressed now and not later   Burnout in cardiologists has serious implications on the lives of patients. Healthcare experts all over the world draw their conclusions on an issue which is highly prevalent amongst cardiologists and how to maintain sustainability within healthcare.   How energised are you by your work? Are you constantly dissatisfied by your c

  • Behind closed doors – Point of Care Foundation

    • 19/09/2017

    A recent Point of Care Foundation report provides insights into the pressures faced by British healthcare staff and how these can be overcome.   How employers feel at work has been the subject of debate for quite some time, particularly within the healthcare sector. It is widely agreed that staffs’ happiness largely depends on the environment that they work in and thus affects their overall...

  • Revolutionising cardiovascular medicine

    • 19/09/2017

    The European Society of Cardiology (ESC) on eHealth and how it is disrupting the usual way patients and healthcare professionals interact.   In recent years, the way in which one can access information in healthcare has hugely transformed, particularly for the younger generation. The European Society of Cardiology (ESC) Congress in Barcelona last month paid special attention to this theme and ho

  • Harmonisation of Lab Medicine Across Europe

    • 21/08/2017

    Under EU Directive 2013/55/EU, harmonisation of lab medicine across Europe could lead to an exchange and spread of skills and expertise and better patient outcomes.   In the last few years there has been a continuous growth in the awareness of the importance of harmonisation of professional qualifications across the European Union (EU) in all medical fields. EU Directive 2013/55/EU acts as a passp

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