Search Tag: teamwork
2023 07 Jul
Boost learning with a simulated hands-on experience for your medical equipment Can hands-on training with medical equipment be improved? With medical technologies and standards of care constantly changing, healthcare professionals must commit to lifelong learning to stay current. Well-trained staff can provide high-quality care more efficiently,...Read more
2020 19 May
A personal narrative of Adrian Wong’s experience while battling COVID-19 at King’s College Hospital. These are the author’s personal opinions and do not represent the views of the institution and professional societies to which they belong. T he global COVID-19 pandemic has changed healthcare throughout the world and the specialty of...Read more
2019 27 Dec
As the year draws to a close, we take a look at our ten most viewed Imaging stories across our 2019 news and journals. Multisociety AI Radiology Ethics Framework Announced With AI moving into radiology at lightning speed, international imaging and informatics societies have worked together to produce a paper on ethics guidance....Read more
2019 22 Feb
Effective models of trust How can you incorporate the all-important ingredient of trust within your healthcare team? Once upon a time, it was possible for a doctor to hold most of what she needed to know to practice medicine within her own brain. This was long before Google and before medicine was carved up into specialties...Read more
2019 24 Jan
Panacea or illusion? Reflections on key research insights into interprofessional teamwork in the ICU with a critical yet optimistic view for its future. Over the years, interprofessional teamwork in the intensive care unit (ICU) has been viewed as a panacea to most ills and indeed described as a core value of critical care practice...Read more
2017 21 Mar
Key principles of aviation safety – including “big picture” tactical training, the use of checklists, and teamwork – could be adapted to meet the challenges facing the practice of radiology, according to an article in Journal of the American College of Radiology. "Although there are differences in our professions, by adopting proven techniques from...Read more
2016 28 Jun
Ever worried throughout the weekend that a call you didn’t take on Friday afternoon, as you were headed out of the practice, could turn out on Monday that it had been assigned elsewhere? “The signal was there, telling you that something wasn’t quite right, but you rushed past it and dove into other tasks,” writes Jesse Sostrin, author on management...Read more
2016 14 Jun
When Medical Emergency Teams (METs) or Rapid Response Teams (RRTs) are called to respond to a rapidly deteriorating patient by definition they need to perform under pressure. Effective teamwork is vital. Australian researchers describe 6 habits that can optimise teamwork in such situations, in an article published in Australian Critical Care ....Read more
2016 10 May
The high risk of burnout in ICU staff is well-known as is the high rate of healthcare-associated infections. Evidence is emerging of an association between staff burnout and healthcare-associated infections (HAIs), when high levels of stress may lead to less attention to infection control. The effect of burnout on teamwork and indirectly on infections...Read more
2016 03 May
Team confidence, cohesion, empathy and esprit de corps as well as patient safety may be improved by using a simple checklist, according to a letter published in the Journal of Critical Care . Lead author, Peter Brindley, from the University of Alberta Hospital, Edmonton, Canada, with colleagues from St. Michael’s Hospital, Toronto, introduces an...Read more
2016 29 Mar
Teamwork education is known to improve trauma team performance, including leadership, situation monitoring, communication and prioritisation. High-functioning teams with excellent leadership have higher quality CPR, shorter pre-defibrillation pauses, and shorter times to first defibrillation. The American Heart Foundation and European Resuscitation...Read more
2015 30 Aug
A performance evaluation tool widely used in industry is effective in assessing surgeons' adherence to standards of excellence and promoting changes in behaviour to improve surgical practice and teamwork, according to a new study published online by the Journal of the American College of Surgeons . Researchers at Ariadne Labs, Boston, applied multi-source...Read more