Search Tag: social networking
2016 18 Feb
Organisations work hard to recruit the best talent. They put out compelling recruitment ads and hiring managers scrutinise applicants' resumes for indicators of the right skills and experience. Once people are hired, however, the details of their backgrounds are easily forgotten. This phenomenon is referred to as "resumenesia", a malady causing massive...Read more
2015 28 Dec
In his article appearing in MedCity News , Dr. John D. Halamka, chief information officer and dean for technology at Harvard Medical School, discusses key issues in health IT that will shape strategic planning for FY16. Documentation requirements. Current demands of Meaningful Use, hundreds of quality measures, population health, care management,...Read more
2015 29 Sep
A paper published in the journal Organizational Dynamics provides a leadership learning framework developed as a result of the authors' research with Broadway producers. This framework will enable individuals to develop personal leadership learning strategies as well as encourage organisations to provide opportunities that foster effective leadership...Read more
2014 12 Oct
The irony of being without wifi while talking about social media was not lost on delegates to the Management in Radiology (MIR) Annual Scientific Meeting in Bologna this month. However, the temporary glitch did not detract from an informative session on the dos, don’ts and possibilities of social media. Social media brings visibility and exchange...Read more
2014 06 Oct
There are several reasons why online social networking has become an important part of being a successful physician. Social networking is an important aspect of networking for employment and allows radiologists to network with other physicians for clinical- and research-related interests. It may also be useful for radiologists to network with patients....Read more