Search Tag: smartphone
2022 02 Aug
New research shows that people underestimate how much they would enjoy spending time alone with their own thoughts without anything to distract them. The research is published in the Journal of Experimental Psychology: General . The research shows that humans have the ability to immerse themselves in their own thinking but have difficulty appreciating...Read more
2019 12 Oct
As little as a daily ping on your phone can boost physical activity, researchers from the Stanford University School of Medicine and their collaborators report in a new study. The finding comes by way of the first-ever entirely digital, randomised clinical trial, which sought to answer two overarching questions: Is it feasible to successfully...Read more
2019 26 Aug
mHealth has gained considerable momentum in recent years, but, contrary to common perception, mHealth is not limited to mobile health. It has a broad application across healthcare, including the use of biosensors, wearable personal technology, precision medicine, personalised care, patient engagement, and patient empowerment. We could say mHealth is...Read more
2019 26 Aug
Summary: The past, present & future of dementia care using sensors in everyday life objects through four use cases from research labs to large-scale pilots & adoption by pharmaceutical companies. Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder. It is the main cause of dementia, a syndrome defined by loss of cognitive...Read more
2019 26 Aug
Summary: Overview about the value of mHealth in cardiology exemplified by some promising tools that for sure will change the way cardiology is practiced, especially in the management of rhythm disturbances like atrial fibrillation. Where Are We Now? Nowadays, there is a lot of hype about the role of wearables and mobile health (mHealth)...Read more
2018 28 Nov
The parameters of the Capstesia app are described. After taking a photo of the arterial waveform on the monitor screen, and cropping it to the signal of interest, the picture is sent to the Capstesia server via a mobile Internet connection. The heart rate and systolic and diastolic arterial pressures are manually entered into the app to determine...Read more