Search Tag: readmission
2024 21 Oct
Sepsis affects nearly 50 million people globally. Survivors face significant long-term issues like reduced quality of life and frequent hospital readmissions. Studies show that 21.4% of survivors are readmitted within 30 days and 39% by one year, with sepsis-related readmissions being costlier than those for other conditions like heart failure or myocardial...Read more
2023 06 Feb
Many machine learning (ML) models have been developed for use in the ICU, but their effectiveness in new settings is uncertain due to a lack of external validation. A study showed that less than one-third of Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved ML models have undergone multisite assessment. In addition, only 11% of ICU prediction models have...Read more
2017 06 Jun
The 6-minute walk test distance (6MWD), a simple and inexpensive tool, may be effective in predicting 30-day readmission in hospitalised heart failure (HF) patients, according to a new study published in the journal Heart & Lung. The finding warrants further investigation to understand how the 6MWD may predict readmissions, including the cut-off distance...Read more
2017 26 Feb
Providing support to patients in managing their chronic conditions not only leads to improved care outcomes, but also enables hospitals to save money in the form of avoided readmission penalties. These are among the key findings of a new study by communications firm West. See Also : Physician Leadership: 3 Ways to Develop Preventable hospital...Read more
2016 07 Jan
ICU readmission is associated with higher severity of illness scores during the same hospitalisation in adult patients, according to a systematic review of data from over 480,000 ICU patients and more than 32,000 readmissions. The findings, published in the journal Heart & Lung , contribute to current efforts to identify high-risk patients and to...Read more
2015 29 May
According to a study in Canadian Medical Association Journal, frailer older patients are at higher risk of readmission to hospital or death within 30 days after discharge from a general internal medicine ward. Readmission within thirty days after discharge is fairly common and result in significant costs for the healthcare system. The costs can be reduced...Read more
2014 14 Oct
According to a new study, the risk of hospital readmission or death at thirty days following hospital discharge for fee-for service Medicare beneficiaries who received care at a skilled nursing facility (SNF) was not significantly lower despite better performance on various measures of quality of care. Nearly one in five Medicare beneficiaries...Read more
2014 29 Sep
Safe ICU discharge is a matter of patient status and infrastructure, according to Peter van der Voort, Amsterdam, speaking at the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine annual congress in Barcelona today. Making discharge of patients safer, whether they are discharged home or to another ward in the hospital, is important in preventing readmission...Read more
2014 31 Aug
Guidelines to enhance communication during patient care transitions between healthcare settings have the potential to improve patient outcomes and satisfaction, as well as to decrease overall healthcare costs. During care transitions, patients’ clinicians, including hospital-based clinicians and community-based primary care providers (PCPs), are responsible...Read more