Search Tag: prediabetes

Cardiology Management

2024 16 Jun

  Low household income, food insecurity and lack of private health insurance are linked with higher rates of prediabetes in adolescents, regardless of race and ethnicity. These findings are published in JAMA.    Prediabetes can progress to type 2 diabetes if not addressed with lifestyle changes such as diet and exercise. It can be a serious condition...Read more

IMAGING Management

2021 30 Oct

Obesity is associated with diabetes, but there are metabolically healthy individuals with excess body fat and others with normal body weight who develop insulin resistance.  The key risk factor is fat distribution.  Individuals who accumulate deep abdominal and visceral fat are more likely to develop insulin resistance than individuals with subcutaneous...Read more

Cardiology Management

2019 01 Aug

The prevalence of Type 2 diabetes has become a public health issue, as the International Diabetes Federation recorded a total of 425 million adults between the ages of 20 and 79 that had diabetes in 2017. The main cause of disability and mortality in this cohort is due to issues involving cardiovascular health. The American Heart Association has now...Read more