Search Tag: patient-centred care

Cardiology Management

2024 02 Jul

  Implementing patient-centred palliative care therapies, including prescribing, adjusting, or discontinuing medications as needed, may help control symptoms and improve the quality of life for people with heart disease, according to a new scientific statement from the American Heart Association.    The statement reviews current evidence on the...Read more

ICU Management

2024 19 Apr

Decision-making in the ICU is a multifaceted process that involves clinical assessment, collaboration among multidisciplinary teams, ethical considerations, evidence-based practice, communication, and continuous adaptation to evolving clinical scenarios.  Read more

ICU Management

2023 30 Nov

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ICU Management

2023 30 Nov

Collaboration between critical care doctors, patients and families is essential to managing critically ill patients. Promoting open communication, shared decision-making, and emotional support is essential to ensure a patient-centred approach in critical care settings.   ‏ ‏ Communication plays a crucial role in a critical care setting....Read more

ICU Management

2023 30 Nov

This article aims to address patient-family-centred care programmes, starting from their origins and discussing new protocols.     Critically ill patients entail a great complexity of care. ICU staff has focused on their care, with family members and surrogates put aside for decades. In recent years, we are witnessing a paradigm shift...Read more

ICU Management

2023 30 Nov

Intensive care impacts more than the patient, with ripple effects for families, employers and wider societies. Patient-centred outcomes reiterate the need for clinical therapies targeting the biological circuitry of the big-hitting syndromes like ARDS, sepsis, delirium, renal failure and recognising they persist beyond the veil of discharge....Read more

Decision Support

2023 16 Aug

  A few months ago, I ruptured my plantar fasciitis. After wearing a boot for eight long weeks and receiving shock therapy, I was finally cleared to start working out again. I felt good and strong, so I wanted to continue my efforts while at a conference. Last week, I attempted my routine at the hotel gym, only to pull my gluteal muscle. Little...Read more

Executive Health Management

2022 11 May

Hybrid Event Read more

Executive Health Management

2021 19 May

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ICU Management

2020 24 Nov

Survivors of critical illness and their caregivers frequently face long-term impairments of cognition, mental health, mobility and beyond, which demand for a patient-centred transition management and well-coordinated, outpatient post-ICU care. Introduction In recent years, the post-ICU sequelae of survivors of critical illness have become...Read more

Health Management

2020 12 Nov

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Health Management

2020 12 Nov

Healthcare is in constant change. Today the change is driven by the patients. Access to patient data has changed the way healthcare is delivered, where it is delivered and who delivers it. A lot has already been achieved, and although there is still long way to go, the result will be the truly person-centric healthcare. Key Points...Read more

Health Management

2020 22 Oct

Today’s patient is armed, informed and fully engaged in their care delivery. How does this abundance of knowledge change hospital systems and care delivery? How much is the patient already a care consumer with choices - and is there such a thing as too much choice? What innovative ideas is the market offering to face these challenges?...Read more

Executive Health Management

2020 16 Mar

Today, 16 March 2020, submission of entries for the International Hospital Federation (IHF) Awards 2020 has opened. The awards will be presented during the 44th IHF World Hospital Congress (WHC) to be held on 2-5 November 2020 in Barcelona, Spain.   You may also like : Winners of the IHF Awards 2019   The IHF Awards...Read more

Executive Health Management

2020 29 Jan

2020 marks the start of a new decade and, with factors such as the Silver Tsunami, digitalisation and emerging technologies that still have to prove their worth in the mix, it’s one which will be game-changing. spoke to four experts on what changes they think will lead to the most beneficial transformation in healthcare over the...Read more

ICU Management

2019 23 Nov

The environment in an intensive care unit can often be intimidating for families and visitors. In addition, the machines, beeps, and all the alarms make the ICU appear foreboding. The ICU staff also have to follow rigid guidelines about patient visiting hours, allowing some visitors entry while denying others. All in all, many families and loved ones...Read more

IMAGING Management

2019 06 Aug

Patients today are taking a more active role in their health, and in response to this, more emphasis is being made to keep the patient at the centre of care. Especially in radiology, more areas of the field are focussing on patient-centred healthcare experiences. Initiatives such as the co-location of radiologists and clinicians and creating easy-to-understand...Read more

Executive Health Management

2019 24 Jul

A new collaboration between the American College of Surgeons (ACS) and Harvard Business School' s (HBS) Institute for Strategy and Competitiveness aims to improve healthcare value. The initiative's ultimate objective is to develop a tool that hospitals can use to better measure quality and cost of care delivery.     Officials from both organisations,...Read more

Cardiology Management

2019 20 Jun

As the focus on patient-centred care increases, healthcare authorities are trying their best to establish progressive programmes and policies that encourage clinicians to integrate approaches that consider patient needs first. For example, US Centers for Medicare and Medicaid have embedded policies in 2019 that offer incentives to healthcare providers...Read more

Executive Health Management

2020 05 Nov

NEW DATE DUE TO COVID-19:  5TH NOVEMBER Find VBHC on Social Media Read more

Health Management

2019 22 May

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Executive Health Management

2019 22 May

International transfer of successful lessons and strategies is essential for improving quality, accessibility and affordability of healthcare services.  Innovators in both developed and developing nations have found ways to deliver healthcare at a significantly lower cost while increasing access and quality, but we need more...Read more

ICU Management

2019 14 Mar

Managing sedation analgesia for patient-centred care in the ICU   Pain management and sedation are closely linked in the intensive care unit. In the past, clinicians were using sedative agents too liberally, often with benzodiazepines. And several issues were observed in the ICU, including the problems of delirium, weakness and prolonged ICU...Read more

ICU Management

2019 06 Feb

Patient autonomy is the overriding ethical principle guiding medical decision making in the United States. This autonomy-driven model assumes an informed patient who fully understands the implications of available treatment choices and can identify those most aligned with their values and goals. However, there is increasing recognition that this...Read more

Cardiology Management

2018 20 Nov

The concept of patient-centred care and shared decision-making has become an important topic in healthcare and cardiovascular medicine. Dr. Martha Gulati , Editor in Chief of ACC's (American College of Cardiology) Cardiosmart programme says, "Health care professionals need to understand the goals of their patients and vice versa, which establishes...Read more

Executive Health Management

2018 07 Nov

The patient, the whole patient and nothing but the patient. Clinical competence and limiting factors. In this short opinion piece, carer and consumer advisor Belinda MacLeod-Smith challenges us to consider crucial elements of whole patient care, and how they can be impacted by limiting factors. Caring for someone with ongoing, occasionally...Read more

Health Management

2018 21 Aug

Re-examining approaches for dementia management. The potential of applying integrated pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatments for the care of people living with dementia. Dementia is a mental state used to denote severe cognitive impairment which impacts daily activities and life. Alzheimer’s disease is one of the most common...Read more

ICU Management

2018 27 Jun

Among critically ill patients and their surrogates, a family-support intervention delivered by the interprofessional ICU team did not significantly affect the surrogates’ burden of psychological symptoms, according to results of the PARTNER trial. Researchers note, however, that the surrogates’ ratings of the quality of communication and the patient-...Read more

ICU Management

2018 23 May

In the ICU we see our fair share of loss, most the result of unplanned tragedy both for the patients and their families. As healthcare providers we work as part of a high functioning team always working to provide exemplary patient-centred care. We maintain a calm cool demeanor, approachable and open to suggestions and feedback from families,...Read more

Health Management

2017 16 Feb

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