Search Tag: patient care

Executive Health Management

2015 20 Apr

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) have recently approved two new Physician Quality Reporting System (PQRS) measures and 16 non-PQRS measures developed by the American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) and Anesthesia Quality Institute (AQI). The new 36 reporting measures are expected to empower physician anaesthesiologists when...Read more

IMAGING Management

2015 27 Mar

Enterprise Imaging becomes central to advancing value-based care strategies Efficient access to patient-centric clinical data via multiple innovative advancements to its suites of technologies   Agfa HealthCare's Enterprise Imaging suite addresses clinical and economic data demands as hospitals and health systems seek to realise value in all care...Read more

Executive Health Management

2015 16 Mar

Nationwide Children’s Hospital has received NCQA Patient-Centered Medical Home (PCMH) Recognition for using evidence-based, patient-centred processes that focus on highly coordinated care and long-term, participative relationships the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) announced. Nationwide Children’s achieved Level 3 standards, the highest...Read more

ICU Management

2015 03 Mar

Medical errors occur often and potentially harm patients. For example, in intensive care units (ICUs), adverse events are common, often owing to failures to carry out intended treatment correctly. This study aimed to test the effectiveness of checklists for emergency procedures on medical staff performance in intensive care crises. Researchers found...Read more

IT Management

2015 28 Feb

Medical students learning to relate to patients often interact with “standardised patients” portrayed by healthy people who are trained to act like real patients. The drawback of that type of interaction is that it is relatively expensive, and students do not always get to experience the range of patient personalities. Computer-based virtual patients...Read more

Cardiology Management

2015 17 Feb

Coronary patients in Europe are not meeting lifestyle, therapeutic and risk factor targets after hospitalisation A new approach to the secondary prevention of coronary disease is called for The large majority of coronary patients in Europe are failing to achieve their lifestyle, risk factor and therapeutic targets as set out in the latest prevention...Read more

ICU Management

2015 11 Feb

A new study published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal shows that shorter duty hours for medical residents, although slightly better for residents themselves, may result in worse patient care. The finding is based on a randomised trial assessing resident duty hour schedules in the intensive care unit (ICU). "Our findings that overnight...Read more

IMAGING Management

2015 02 Feb

Quality is a multifaceted endeavour, which is very important and complex in medical imaging. Engaging many different individuals in the radiology department is necessary to improve quality and service for patients. A recent study published in the Canadian Association of Radiologists Journal aimed to assess three new quality initiatives in radiology...Read more

IMAGING Management

2015 17 Jan

Lexmark International, Inc. has announced its acquisition of Toronto-based medical imaging company Claron Technology, Inc. for about $37 million in cash. Claron is a leading provider of medical image viewing, distribution, sharing and collaboration software technology. Claron's medical image viewing platform offers web-based access to patient imaging...Read more

Executive Health Management

2014 30 Dec

Collaboration between The Society of Thoracic Surgeons (STS) and the European Society of Thoracic Surgery (ESTS) is expected to help improve the quality of patient care by linking outcomes data on chest procedures, beginning with lung cancer surgery. A draft manuscript and data have already been circulated and the outcomes are expected to be presented...Read more

Health Management

2014 08 Nov

Key Points • Having clinicians involved in management improves outcomes for patients and saves money. • Partnerships between clinicians, professional organisations and managers has allowed spread of innovation at scale in Ireland. • Clinicians and managers are together the stewards of healthcare. • “what’s well-made endures, and shines on”....Read more

Executive Health Management

2014 01 Sep

Medtronic Inc. announced this week that it has acquired NGC Medical S.p.A. (NGC), a privately-held Italian company. The company was acquired for $350 million. Medtronic already owned 30% of NGC before this acquisition. With this new partnership, NGC will serve as the Managed Services arm for Medtronic's Hospital Solutions business. Medtronic is committed...Read more

Cardiology Management

2014 11 Aug

Hospital admission rates for patients with heart failure (HF) presenting for emergency department (ED) care vary, and the implications of direct discharge home from the ED are unknown. There is a substantial economic burden of HF admissions and a focus on readmissions as a quality of care measure. However, there is little appreciation of the pitfalls...Read more

Executive Health Management

2014 05 Aug

Health technology, which lets physicians access real-time data critical in making care decisions, can do a lot towards improving quality of care. As such, technology can be expensive for hospitals. This question then arises: Is it worth the cost? Generally, for health systems, getting doctors' support to cut costs is always a big challenge. "Traditionally...Read more

Executive Health Management

2015 06 Oct

The International Hospital Federation (IHF) is the worldwide forum and knowledge hub for hospitals, national hospital associations and healthcare organizations that offers policy guidance and facilitates the exchange of strategic information and experience in health sector management. As a membership organization of national bodies representing healthcare...Read more

ICU Management

2014 04 Aug

The death of a loved one is often an ordeal and a tragedy for those who witness it, as death is not merely the end of a life, but also the end of an existence, the loss of a unique individual who is special and irreplaceable. Ethical unease arises as the dying patient falls prey to death throes and to the manifestations of ebbing life and the physician...Read more

IMAGING Management

2014 13 Jul

The Walton Centre NHS Foundation Trust has become the first site in the UK to invest in the newest interventional radiology innovation from Siemens Healthcare. The Artis Q biplane system, due to be installed later in the year, will provide the hospital with the latest technology to support the diagnosis and treatment of neurological conditions and...Read more

IT Management

2014 11 Jul

Children's Hospital Los Angeles (CHLA), one of the leading paediatric hospitals in the US, has been included in the list of 'Most Wired' hospitals in the country. Being named on the list, released annually by Health & Health Networks magazine, is recognition of a health care organisation's investment in technology that supports patient safety and...Read more

Executive Health Management

2014 11 Jul

Faculty from the University of Louisville School of Public Health and Information Sciences have published a book which provides a guide for interpreting how leaders, laws and innovation affect public health. The book also addresses the impact of poverty as a predictor of a nation’s wellness. Population Health -- Management, Policy and Technology,...Read more

ICU Management

2014 04 Jul

Masimo has announced FDA 510(k) clearance of the Root™ patient monitoring and connectivity platform that is destined to transform patient care throughout the hospital. High-impact innovations in Root that are now available in the U.S. include: Iris™ - Built-in connectivity gateway through Iris™ for standalone devices such as IV pumps, ventilators,...Read more

IT Management

2014 01 Jul

Approximately three million patients are currently connected to their professional caregivers via devices that remotely monitor health data. By 2018, that figure is expected to increase nearly five-fold, to 19 million patients worldwide. The expansion of mobile health technology will also double its share of total revenues, from one fifth to 40 percent...Read more

ICU Management

2014 27 Jun

Despite the trauma associated with invasive surgery, standard surgical protocols often restrict a patient’s diet and exercise before and after an operation. Doctors are beginning to question the wisdom behind such procedures, which were probably originally put in place to benefit surgeons more than patients. If patients are able to prepare for and...Read more

Executive Health Management

2014 23 Jun

The European Commission has published a patient safety package detailing progress made in recent years and existing barriers yet to be overcome. The establishment of national programs for patient safety and the implementation of systems for reporting adverse events related to hospitalisation represent two of the most improved areas. Challenges remain...Read more

IMAGING Management

2014 23 Jun

Newcastle Hospitals have teamed with a community arts organisation to produce a series of films to educate learning-disabled people about what to expect as they prepare for hospital appointments which include radiology tests. Each film in the ‘My Hospital’ series features people with learning disabilities, along with their caregivers and hospital...Read more

Executive Health Management

2014 17 Jun

Safe healthcare organisations need to anticipate and prevent harm to patients. In this article, a framework for measuring and monitoring healthcare safety is presented.  The framework, developed by the Health Foundation  has potential uses in supporting healthcare organisations to understand how safe their servies are and in identifying the relative...Read more

IT Management

2014 17 Jun

The interconnection of home- and hospital-based devices will allow medical caregivers to monitor elderly patients in their homes, reducing preventable hospitalisations, which stress senior patients and the facilities, which provide care to them. The “closed-loop healthcare” system being developed by researchers at the University of Missouri was presented...Read more

ICU Management

2014 09 Jun

A new model of nursing care provides recommendations specific to the needs of young adults undergoing surgical procedures. The Adolescent Perioperative System Stability Model addresses the ways, in which patients between the ages of 18 and 21 deal with anxiety and stress before surgery, that can adversely affect the perioperative experience. Since...Read more

Cardiology Management

2014 08 Jun

The preventive placement of an implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD) benefits patients with less severe levels of heart failure, with significantly better survival three years after implantation, a study in JAMA’s 4 June issue reports. The research focuses on a population not often studied in clinical trials, with results supporting the use...Read more

ICU Management

2014 07 Jun

A recent study, published in the Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine, has analysed and compared the costs involved in the three types of intensive care transports commonly used in Sweden. The aim was to evaluate to what extent the road ambulance, rotor-wing ambulance and fixed-wing ambulance differed in their...Read more

Cardiology Management

2014 06 Jun

Though recommended by the American Heart Association, it appears that the subject of death is still not a common topic of discussion with only 12 percent of healthcare providers reporting having routine annual conversations about end-of-life care with their heart failure patients. Findings from a survey completed by close to 100 physicians,...Read more