Search Tag: muscle impairment
2016 30 May
This review will briefly discuss the potential role of nutrition and the schedule of delivery on reducing skeletal muscle wasting in early critical illness. Increasing numbers of patients are surviving critical illness due to treatment advances in the early management of acutely unwell patients. This survival advantage is reflected as an increase...Read more
2016 12 Apr
ICU-acquired weakness (ICAUW) in some patients can last a long time, even when the biologic functions that cause muscles to waste have returned to normal. A pilot study led by respirologist Dr. Jane Batt , MD, PhD (pictured), from the Keenan Research Centre for Biomedical Science at St. Michael’s Hospital, Toronto, Canada, found that long term muscle...Read more
2015 21 Dec
Researchers may have uncovered the reason why many patients diagnosed with sepsis suffer debilitating muscle impairment long-term after recovery. Results of their study, published in Nature Communications , suggest that a therapeutic approach based on mesenchymal stem cell transplantation may be effective in restoring muscle capacity. Sepsis is...Read more