Search Tag: lean management

Executive Health Management

2020 17 May

A team from MIT share their experience of introducing the ‘Lean Lab’ approach, which helped them to optimise workflows, reduce costs and increase safety and productivity in the MIT Media Lab’s ‘ YellowBox ’ cleanroom space. The results are summarised in an essay published in Advanced Intelligent Systems.   You may also like...Read more

Executive Health Management

2017 20 Jun

Patient-centred care is at the heart of the value-based system. But relying on value-based care alone to improve quality and outcomes may not be enough, especially amidst uncertainty brought about by regulatory and political changes. With the transition moving at an “uncertain tempo,” this leaves healthcare organisations with a mix of value-based...Read more

Executive Health Management

2015 28 Sep

Use of Lean management methodology to improve care efficiencies is new for healthcare. A new report in The Journal of Nursing Administration describes how a Lean-based in the emergency department of a large hospital significantly reduced patients’ wait times and length of stay, while improving patient throughput and satisfaction level. The approach...Read more

Executive Health Management

2015 16 Aug

Public hospitals like Harbor-UCLA have adapted Toyota's production system to healthcare and are changing their longstanding practices of storing equipment, scheduling surgeries and discharging patients accordingly. The lean management philosophy is being implemented to deal with inefficiency and to improve quality. Under this adapted model, the OR...Read more

Executive Health Management

2015 04 Feb

Hospitals emergency departments are seldom praised for short wait times, adequate bed capacity and stress-free employees. Those things may be unattainable goals in public hospitals, but a new study from university researchers in Melbourne, Australia indicates that healthcare organisations can learn from a management style that works in other contexts....Read more