Search Tag: implementation

ICU Management

2019 25 Oct

Find MEDI-LEARN on Social Media   Read more

IT Management

2019 10 Jul

  With the potential to contribute to streamlining care and improving outcomes, mHealth is frequently referred to being a saviour of healthcare. So why are so few people talking about the roadblocks to effective mHealth? spoke to Christine Jacob, founder of Digi-Bridges digital healthcare consultancy, about what...Read more

Cardiology Management

2019 31 Aug

Find European Society of Cardiology on Social Media             Find WCC - World Heart Federation on Social Media      Read more

Executive Health Management

2018 22 Sep

The EMR does not have to fail The much-maligned Electronic Medical Record (EMR) is not necessarily a tool which leads to physician burnout. The KLAS Arch Collaborative shows that proper training, personalisation and teamwork can optimise the use of this digital tool without stress and frustration. (For the purposes of this report, the terms...Read more

IT Management

2016 16 May

About a quarter of healthcare providers said their virtual care programmes – telemedicine and telehealth – are financially sustainable and are improving efficiency, patient volumes and loyalty by filling gaps in medical specialties or helping chronically-ill patients, according to a poll conducted by KPMG LLP, the U.S. audit, tax and advisory firm Telehealth,...Read more

IT Management

2016 05 May

In an article published in Healthcare Business Tech,  Blake Marggraff, CEO of interventions company Epharmix , writes about the IT innovation playing field and how best to engage with the fast-growing products, services and processes sectors. However, with time and cost both factors in IT implementation, Marggraff points to 5 ways of making adoption...Read more

Executive Health Management

2014 04 Aug

Healthcare organisations are increasingly in need of systems and approaches that will enable them to be more responsive to the needs and wishes of their clients. Customised service is generally perceived not only as better quality but also as more attractive, thus allowing a premium to be charged. Two recent trends, namely, patient-centred care (PCC)...Read more