Search Tag: healthcare reputation

Health Management

2018 20 Feb

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Health Management

2018 20 Feb

Taking control of your reputation has become far more complex in recent decades, with advanced technology presenting widespread opportunities. If well choreographed, use of the many tools, platforms and channels on hand can lead to significant strength, propelling your reputation; but if orchestrated badly, your online and offline involvement could actually...Read more

Health Management

2018 20 Feb

Making social media work for your organisation Leading healthcare social media expert gives rundown on how online presence should not be left to chance. Social media has an increasingly important role to play in maintaining an organisation’s reputation and image. not only are patients seeking health information online, many say their choice...Read more

Health Management

2018 20 Feb

Opportunities and challenges Tips and pointers from FutureLearn trainer on optimal use of social media for crisis management, patient engagement and preventive healthcare. How important is it that healthcare engages in social media practice? What about social media is most challenging for healthcare organisations? In this era of information...Read more

Health Management

2018 20 Feb

Leveraging digital resources is the key to successful marketing Reed Smith of the Social Health Institute weighs in on what healthcare can do to leverage their reputation through a sound social media and digital marketing strategy. You have a great deal of experience through the Social Health Institute (SHI) and other organisations...Read more

Health Management

2018 20 Feb

How ‘corporate responsibility’ is impacting on healthcare Developed by Sussex Community NHS Foundation Trust (SCFT) Care Without Carbon (CWC) is an award-winning healthcare sustainability model, which has impacted positively on reputation. Sustainability in healthcare “Sustainability” is a phrase that’s used a lot in the National Health Service...Read more

Health Management

2018 20 Feb

Reputation in healthcare Read more