Search Tag: health IT

IT Management

2015 12 Sep

With cyberattacks on the rise, a California-based security vendor now provides "deception technology" to better protect IT systems. The technology is used to detect bots and APTs inside the network, data centre, and cloud before the data is breached. Tech startup Attivo Networks specialises in creating a complete “site of deception” inside a network....Read more

IT Management

2015 07 Oct

Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society   HIMSS is a global, cause-based, not-for-profit organization focused on better health through information technology (IT). HIMSS leads efforts to optimize health engagements and care outcomes using information technology.  HIMSS is a cause-based, global enterprise producing health IT...Read more

IT Management

2015 06 Sep

Eighty-one percent of healthcare executives say their information technology has been compromised by cyberattacks during the past two years, according to a recent survey by KPMG. In addition, only half of those executives say they are ready to defend against future attacks. These attacks may put sensitive patient data at risk of exposure, the KPMG report...Read more

IT Management

2015 01 Sep

Using health IT systems is one way to enhance patient engagement with their own health and wellness. For example, healthcare providers implement patient portals and secure messaging tools that enable patients to view their medical records, request prescriptions and medication refills, access lab results, and communicate with their doctors. The Centers...Read more

IT Management

2015 25 Aug

Electronic exchange of health information amongst healthcare providers has important implications for patient safety and care coordination. However, only 9 percent of hospitals use only electronic means of exchanging patient summary of care records with outside sources, according to a report from the Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT...Read more

IT Management

2015 14 Aug

New research from Brigham and Women's Hospital (Boston, MA) shows that web-based toolkits used by patients and/or their healthcare providers in the hospital setting can help increase patient engagement and improve communication with clinicians. The findings are reported in the Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association. The study was conducted...Read more

IT Management

2015 13 Aug

A study finds that only a small number (17 percent) of healthcare providers are optimistic that the industry will meet the 10-year goal for nationwide interoperability, set last year by the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC). Scrypt, an Austin, Tx.–based document management solutions provider, surveyed more...Read more

IT Management

2015 30 Aug

The conference provides an excellent opportunity for state and local government program and IT professionals to network with their counterparts across the nation and with their federal partners. The private sector serving HHS demonstrates new technical solutions and innovations designed specifically for the challenges facing state administrators. The...Read more

IT Management

2015 01 Aug

Primary Care Information Network ( is a new online resource intended to help improve practices of safety net primary care providers. The website features a library of tools and resources — all of which are free to download — that can help providers tackle issues such as scheduling workflows, care coordination and management, and...Read more

IT Management

2015 25 Jul

The U.S. Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) has released its Health IT Safety Centre Roadmap, detailing a plan for optimising use of health IT for improved care safety and quality. In recent years, the increased adoption of health IT and electronic health record (EHR) has seen impressive advances in electronic...Read more

Executive Health Management

2015 23 Jul

There has been an increase in specialist training programs for healthcare executives which is primarily driven by the need to hone the digital skill of managers. More and more healthcare organisations are now adapting to technological change and realise that in order to be successful, their strategies need to be shaped by technological advancements...Read more

IT Management

2015 14 Jul

The Mount Sinai Health System has been named a 2015 "Most Wired" organisation by the American Hospital Association and the College of Healthcare Information Management Executives. The benchmark is considered to be a leading industry barometer that measures IT use and adoption among hospitals nationwide.  The organistation has been recognised for its...Read more

IT Management

2015 29 Jun

This year's Fourth of July celebration has taken on a new meaning for supporters of the "Get My Health Data" movement, which is pushing for better patient access to health data. They are eager to raise awareness for their cause by holding “Data Independence Day” on the 4th of July. Organisers are hoping that the one-day event will actually spur a larger...Read more

IT Management

2016 19 Apr

The Congress plays an important part in enabling exhibitors and visitors at conhIT to keep abreast of latest developments and its emphasis is on papers offering practical information. The practice-oriented congress programme is developed by the Congress Committe. Representatives of the leading healthcare IT industry organisations and institutions serving...Read more

IT Management

2015 26 Jun

According to experts, having standards for the exchange of information between electronic health records or for the exchange of actual information is critical to increasing personal satisfaction with EHRs. At the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee hearing, Boyd Vindell Washington, MD, chief medical information officer at the Franciscan...Read more

IT Management

2015 16 Jun

Technology can be incorporated into healthcare to improve patient care and the principle has been applied by Mount Sinai Health System, an institution that consists of a medical school, seven research institutes, seven hospitals, and an ambulatory network. CIO Kumar Chatani points out that Mount Sinai has successfully migrated all its sites...Read more

IT Management

2015 14 Jun

With the easy availability of health apps, it has now become possible to monitor one’s steps, heart beat and sleep patterns. However, this information has not yet reached patient electronic health records. The commentary has been published in Cell Systems . Harvard researchers argue that these mobile devices could reshape the practice of...Read more

IT Management

2015 14 Jun

According to a new survey by InCrowd, a Boston-based market intelligence firm, nurses rely more than ever on smartphones for clinical care. The survey was conducted with 241 nurses and showed that 95 percent of the respondents own a smartphone and 88 percent use smartphone apps at work. 52 percent said that they use an app instead of asking a colleague...Read more

IT Management

2015 02 Jun

Morten Elbæk Petersen is the CEO of the innovative Danish public health portal Launched in 2002 for citizens and health professionals and the largest patient portal in Europe, the site won Petersen the HIMSS Europe eHealth Leadership Award this year. Today, twenty per cent of the Danish population uses the portal every month and use is...Read more

IT Management

2015 31 May

NHS England and the UK Government have called all innovators in the UK and overseas interested in testing their ideas to deliver health services in better ways at scale, and in a real clinical setting. The announcement is in line with the NHS Five Year Forward View and will build on the UK Life Sciences Strategy and the NHS Innovation Health and Wealth Proposals....Read more

IT Management

2015 29 May

Recent analysis from Frost & Sullivan shows that connected health infrastructure could serve to be a binding agent for diverse devices and workflows and can aid diagnosis, monitoring and prevention. However, for such a system to be successful and efficient, it is important to ensure that interoperability and connectivity standards are in place. Frost...Read more

IT Management

2015 19 May

Two new bio-sensing technologies were presented at Elsevier’s 4th International Conference on Bio-Sensing Technology in Lisbon, Portugal. These include a wearable E-skin that measures heart rate and blood pressure, and paper diagnostic machines the size of a credit card that can give instant readings on blood and saliva samples. Bio-sensing technology...Read more

IT Management

2015 16 May

Computerised clinical decision support (CDS) has been shown to improve healthcare processes and outcomes in a number of studies, although its potential has yet to be reached. Challenges to CDS development, management, and use are multifaceted — involving people, processes, and technology. A recent study, reported in the journal BMC Medical Informatics...Read more

IT Management

2015 14 May

Researchers at Michigan Technological University have acquired a new 3D bioprinter and are hoping to use it to make synthesised nerve tissue. The tissue-printing machine looks like a toaster oven and is small enough to fit on top of an old-fashioned school desk, but there is really nothing old-fashioned about it. It looks more like a sci-fi future...Read more

IT Management

2015 12 May

eHealth Week Riga - Day Two: Ministerial Session – Privacy and Data Protection in Healthcare There cannot be a congress on eHealth without a look at data security. Several serious recent medical data breaches in the US have highlighted the risks facing electronic information. The FBI has been quoted as saying that that whereas two years ago there...Read more

IT Management

2015 12 May

eHealth Week, Riga – Day Two :Joint Plenary Green Paper on mHealth: "Conclusions and Actions." The joint plenary provided an overview of the results of the public consultation in the context of the Commission‘s Green Paper on mHealth. Patients, providers, health professionals, health authorities and industry presented and discussed their views on...Read more

IT Management

2015 11 May

eHealth is designated as one of Europe’s six “lead markets” for innovation in Europe. Taking place during the Latvian Presidency of the Council of the European Union, eHealth Week 2015 comprises of two main events: the High Level eHealth Conference organised by the Latvian Ministry of Health and the Latvian Presidency of the Council of the European...Read more

ICU Management

2015 16 Apr

System-Wide Approach Integrates Health IT and Medication Management Platform The Intelligent Hospital Association has announced that Ochsner Health System has been awarded the Best Comprehensive Integration for 2014. The award is given to a hospital or health system that effectively and seamlessly integrates technologies to provide a comprehensive...Read more

IMAGING Management

2014 02 Dec

New research presented at the annual meeting of the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA 2014) shows that patients value direct, independent access to their medical examinations. In the new study, researchers evaluated patient and provider satisfaction with the use of RSNA Image Share, an internet-based interoperable image exchange system that...Read more

IT Management

2014 30 Oct

Scott MacKenzie, a veteran of the healthcare IT industry has joined M*Modal as their Chief Executive Officer. He will also be a member of M*Modal's Board of Directors. M*Modal is a leading provider of clinical documentation and Speech Understanding Solutions. The company is focused on increasing the productivity of healthcare providers by providing...Read more