Search Tag: future pandemics
2021 20 Jul
When a major national or global health crisis or pandemic such as the current COVID-19 breaks out, it is important that there is an effective monitoring system in place. The proposed statistical surveillance dashboard can provide authorities and other decision makers with insights and in-depth data analysis to help them make critical decisions....Read more
2021 20 Jul
The initial global outbreak of COVID-19 revealed cracks in pandemic preparedness - from PPE to ventilators and oxygen, hospitals and skilled healthcare workers were stretched the brink in often physically and emotionally gruelling environments. Emerging variants and under-vaccination threaten future waves of the virus. Is your hospital ready?...Read more
2021 09 Feb
In the UK the incidence numbers are going down, which is a relief to see and to feel. I was pretty down at the beginning of 2021 and hope seemed far away. Four weeks down the line, and I am happier again. I can see what the huge vaccination programme (over 13% of the U.K. population has been vaccinated) has brought...Read more