Search Tag: elderly

ICU Management

2024 17 Jul

  A review article by researchers from Uppsala University and the University of Gothenburg, published in the New England Journal of Medicine, underscores that up to half of hospitalised patients and those in healthcare facilities suffer from malnutrition. This has significant implications, including unnecessary suffering, decreased quality of life,...Read more

IMAGING Management

2021 25 Jan

COVID-19 has spread rapidly over the last few months, with death tolls reaching nearly 2 million across the globe. As per data, a large majority of the deaths were in the elderly. However, new study findings show that COVID-19 is dangerous not only for the elderly, but also for middle-aged adults. The findings are published in  the  European Journal...Read more

Executive Health Management

2019 09 May

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Cardiology Management

2019 07 Feb

According to data from 27 randomised trials in the Cholesterol Treatment Trialists' (CTT) Collaboration database, each 1.0 mmol/L reduction in LDL cholesterol with statin therapy reduces the risk of major vascular events by about a fifth. This risk reduction was observed with similar proportions in men and women.  However, rates of use of...Read more

Executive Health Management

2019 21 May

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ICU Management

2018 01 Jun

A comparison of hospital admissions of patients over 65 and air pollution in the USA has found an association between exposure to pollutants and admission for acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). The study was presented at the annual meeting of the American Thoracic Society.   The researchers analysed data by zip code from nearly 30 million...Read more

ICU Management

2017 28 Nov

Sepsis is a critical issue in old age and is among the top causes for intensive care unit (ICU) admission in the elderly. Although there are important benefits supposed to be derived from moderate exercise in the elderly population (better cardiovascular fitness, improved microcirculation, less obesity, etc.), improved outcome from sepsis has not been...Read more