Search Tag: data breach

IT Management

2024 20 Jun

  Ascension has announced the full restoration of its digital patient records across all hospitals and healthcare locations, marking a significant recovery milestone after a recent ransomware attack. The breach, which occurred due to an employee inadvertently downloading a malicious file, had severely impacted patient care and operational efficiency...Read more

Executive Health Management

2024 20 Jun

  Ascension has announced the full restoration of its digital patient records across all hospitals and healthcare locations, marking a significant recovery milestone after a recent ransomware attack. The breach, which occurred due to an employee inadvertently downloading a malicious file, had severely impacted patient care and operational efficiency...Read more

IT Management

2015 12 Sep

With cyberattacks on the rise, a California-based security vendor now provides "deception technology" to better protect IT systems. The technology is used to detect bots and APTs inside the network, data centre, and cloud before the data is breached. Tech startup Attivo Networks specialises in creating a complete “site of deception” inside a network....Read more

IT Management

2015 13 Aug

A study finds that only a small number (17 percent) of healthcare providers are optimistic that the industry will meet the 10-year goal for nationwide interoperability, set last year by the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC). Scrypt, an Austin, Tx.–based document management solutions provider, surveyed more...Read more

IT Management

2015 31 Mar

Two flaws in a mobile medical app that might have permitted fake patient data to be uploaded have been fixed by German software company SAP. Although the issues were addressed before any damage was done, it is a reminder to healthcare organisations about the ongoing threat of security issues which could have devastating medical and legal consequences....Read more

IT Management

2015 03 Mar

A November 2014 survey conducted by the Ponemon Institute estimates that 2.32 million Americans have been victimised by medical identity theft, with nearly a quarter of the thefts occurring in 2014 alone. Surveyed victims paid, on average, more than $13,000 in out-of-pocket costs to resolve the fraudulent activity, amounting to more than $20 billion...Read more

IT Management

2015 06 Jan

The second annual data breach forecast published by Experian warns of an ongoing threat against data privacy and safety for healthcare organisations in 2015. Technological developments designed to increase efficiency and consumer involvement — such as record digitisation, cloud storage and wearable health monitoring devices — make healthcare data more...Read more

IT Management

2014 07 Sep

There have been several news stories recently related to sophisticated data breaches of confidential data in hospitals and healthcare organisations. Early this year, two healthcare organisations lost tens of thousands of data records because of lost USB flash drives and data sticks. The extent of data breaches was large enough to cause the HIPAA to...Read more