Search Tag: computer
2015 30 Nov
A new study appearing in JAMA Internal Medicine indicates that high computer use by clinicians in safety-net hospital clinics is associated with lower patient satisfaction. The observational study was conducted over two years at an academically affiliated public hospital with a basic electronic health record. Safety-net clinics cater for populations...Read more
2014 14 Oct
UCLA is set to establish a Center of Excellence for Big Data Computing under an $11 million research grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH). The UCLA centre, part of an initial $32 million outlay for the $656 million Big Data to Knowledge (BD2K) initiative, will formulate new strategies for harnessing complex biomedical data sets known as...Read more
2014 06 Oct
There are several reasons why online social networking has become an important part of being a successful physician. Social networking is an important aspect of networking for employment and allows radiologists to network with other physicians for clinical- and research-related interests. It may also be useful for radiologists to network with patients....Read more