Search Tag: cardiac rehabilitation
2024 04 Nov
At-home cardiac rehabilitation (CR) has emerged as an effective alternative to traditional centre-based programmes, offering comparable or superior results in physical function, mood improvement and quality of life for patients with chronic heart disease. Despite the proven benefits highlighted by ECRI’s recent Clinical Evidence Assessment, the...Read more
2018 13 Aug
Cardiac rehabilitation (CR) is recommended for patients with coronary heart disease; however, participation among veterans remains poor. Results of a new study show the feasibility of a smartphone-enabled, home-based CR for secondary prevention in veterans with heart disease. The technology-based intervention is associated with moderate to high...Read more
2017 22 Aug
Cardiac rehabilitation (CR) is a valuable treatment for a broad spectrum of patients with heart disease. Its use is supported by a robust body of research demonstrating improvements in cardiopulmonary fitness, psychological factors, and quality of life and reductions in morbidity and mortality. Despite this evidence, the value of CR is underappreciated...Read more
2017 31 Jan
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the most common condition underlying out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. Since the burden of CVD parallels that of cardiac arrest and both share risk factors, multidimensional approaches to tackle CVD are required. In this regard, cardiac rehabilitation could be an essential pillar of secondary prevention, perhaps the “missing...Read more
2016 28 Jun
Researchers at Toronto Rehab have discovered a new approach to determine which patient populations benefit most from cardiac rehabilitation. The study is published in the Journal of Clinical Epidemiology ,. During the study, the researchers found that frail, older adults with multiple illnesses and higher baseline risk factors including hypertension...Read more
2017 16 Jan
PICS~AICS 2017 will be at Loews Miami Beach on January 16-19, 2017. This year we are fully committed to ensuring the meeting maintains its clinical focus with addition of taped cases to sessions on both congenital and structural heart disease, as well as live case demonstrations from around the globe.Read more
2015 17 Nov
According to new research from the University of York, smaller and more localised cardiac rehabilitation (CR) centres are as effective as larger ones. The study is funded by the British Heart Foundation (BHF) and is published in Open Heart . This is the first study of its kind and was conducted by researchers in the Cardiovascular Health Research...Read more