Search Tag: breast cancer screening

IMAGING Management

2015 20 Oct

The American Cancer Society’s updated breast cancer screening guideline recommends that women with an average risk of breast cancer should undergo regular, annual screening mammography beginning at age 45 years, with women having an opportunity to choose to begin annual screening between the ages of 40 and 44 years, according to an article published...Read more

IMAGING Management

2015 19 Oct

New research suggests that women are more likely to benefit from mammography screening if this is done at facilities with higher total interpretive volumes. Researchers point out that these higher volume facilities are significantly more likely to diagnose invasive tumours with good prognoses. Their findings are published in the Journal of Medical...Read more

IMAGING Management

2015 30 Sep

Chenoweth to Serve as Spokeswoman for National Campaign to Increase Insurance Coverage of Hologic's Genius™ 3D Mammography™ Exam -- Hologic, Inc. (Nasdaq: HOLX) announced that award-winning actress and singer  Kristin Chenoweth  will join  Steve MacMillan , the Company's Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer, to ring the Nasdaq Opening...Read more

IMAGING Management

2015 29 Sep

Researchers in Germany say a novel magnetic resonance (MR) breast imaging technique could reduce unnecessary biopsies by providing additional information about suspicious findings on x-ray screening mammography. The technique is non-invasive, does not require a contrast agent and exposes the patient to no ionising radiation. Their work is reported in...Read more

IMAGING Management

2015 21 Sep

Many constraints exist when it comes to implementing breast screening in Brazil, according to Dr. Fabiola Kestelman, a breast radiologist from Rio de Janeiro, who will be speaking at the EUSOBI annual scientific meeting in London next month. While national guidelines recommend screening between 50 and 69 years of age, every two years, there is no...Read more

IMAGING Management

2015 13 Sep

Paying women to have mammograms is unethical, according to a Viewpoint article published in JAMA by an expert from the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania. Insurance companies typically offer cash payments ($10 to $250) for mammography completion. However, such incentives are "ethically troubling," says the article author...Read more

IMAGING Management

2016 03 Jul

Symposium Mammographicum is a registered charity founded in 1979. Its principal aims are 'to stimulate and support research and disseminate knowledge about the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of breast disease'. At the time of its inception there were only a few centres practising mammography in the UK and there was a considerable variation in quality....Read more

IMAGING Management

2015 14 Jul

Scientists at the research Institute MIRA at the University of Twente in the Netherlands have developed PAMmograph, a new technique to detect breast cancer. PAMmography is based on the physical principle of photoacoustics and uses short bursts of light that cause ultrasonic waves to be generated in places with high density of blood vessels. Details...Read more

IMAGING Management

2015 11 Jul

Norway's Breast Cancer Screening Programme has come under closer scrutiny following new research showing that the screening results in overdiagnosis — for every life saved by the screening programme, five women are overdiagnosed and treated unnecessarily. The findings are based on a study conducted by the Research Council of Norway — upon...Read more

IMAGING Management

2015 07 Sep

The LRCB annually organises an international training programme in Digital Breast Cancer Screening in cooperation with the EUSOBI.  An important part of this 5-day course is the hands-on training sessions in which participants individually read about 900 screening examinations. At the end of each session, there will be an interactive discussion with...Read more

IMAGING Management

2015 10 Jun

A major international study, published in the New England Journal of Medicine , shows that women aged 50-69 years who attend mammography screening decrease their risk of dying from breast cancer by 40 percent compared to women who are not screened. The latest findings were coordinated by the International Agency for Research in Cancer (IARC), the...Read more

IMAGING Management

2015 13 May

According to a new study published in Radiology , MRI can provide important information about a woman’s risk of developing breast cancer. The findings suggest that MRI can play an expanded role in breast cancer screening and prevention. Previous studies show that dense breast tissue is associated with an increased likelihood of breast cancer development....Read more

IMAGING Management

2015 05 May

VuCOMP, Inc., leading developer of advanced computer vision systems for the detection of breast cancer, announced today that it has sold its M-Vu Breast Density software to iCAD, Inc. The purchase and sale agreement includes the transfer of the breast density technology and associated service contracts, but does not include the computer-aided detection...Read more

IMAGING Management

2015 23 Apr

Researchers at The University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP) claim that a new "breast cancer risk analysis system" is on track to predict if and when breast cancer will appear. Although not yet complete, the computer-aided detection system has proved successful in early studies — with an accuracy of 70 percent when it came to predicting which women would...Read more

IMAGING Management

2015 22 Apr

The US Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) has declined to expand its recommendations on which women should receive regular mammography screening. It has instead issued a draft of new screening guidelines that are tilted towards its conservative guidance from 2009. Similar to the 2009 recommendations, the new guidelines advise that women in...Read more

Executive Health Management

2015 08 Apr

A study published this week in Health Affairs reports that the US spends an estimated $4 billion per year on unnecessary medical expenditures for women between the ages of 40 and 59 who see their doctors for breast cancer diagnosis and treatment. The costs are related to mammograms that generate false alarms ($2.8 billion) and treatment for some...Read more

IMAGING Management

2015 01 Mar

Cancer screening of women with dense breast tissue is a subject of great interest to both the medical community and the mass media. In many studies, dense parenchyma has been shown to reduce the sensitivity of mammography to half that of fatty breasts. About 40 percent of women 40 years of age or older have dense breast tissue, which makes supplemental...Read more

IMAGING Management

2015 26 Feb

The amount of clinical proof for the efficacy of Tomosynthesis in screening is significantly larger than the proof available in the early days of the transition from analog mammography to FFDM.  Results from studies in Europe using Tomosynthesis in population based screening and results from screening with Tomosynthesis in the USA are concordant...Read more

IMAGING Management

2014 19 Dec

According to a new study from UVA Cancer Center, breast density can help better predict women's risk for breast cancer. The study was presented during the 2014 San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium. The findings suggest that including breast density as part of risk models for breast cancer could help support the development of personalised risk...Read more

IMAGING Management

2014 21 Nov

Incorporating Volumetric Breast Density and Imaging Performance Analytics in Quality Assurance Studies Volpara Solutions is proud to announce that the Cancer Registry of Norway will expand the study of Volpara’s innovative suite of quantitative breast imaging software tools to now include seven of the 16 screening sites in the Norwegian Breast Cancer...Read more

IMAGING Management

2014 02 Oct

Researchers: fully-automated volumetric methods are valid alternatives to measure mammographic breast density and predict breast cancer risk The accurate measurement of mammographic density offers the potential to improve breast cancer risk prediction and to tailor screening protocols according to risk, according to a study published in Breast Cancer...Read more

IMAGING Management

2014 04 Sep

The European market is evolving for innovative, multi-modality imaging systems which can accurately and efficiently detect breast cancer. With the expansion of the cohort of women 40 years of age and older, the typical population targeted by national screening programs, rates will continue to rise both for screening and diagnosis. As such, the need...Read more

IMAGING Management

2014 05 Aug

The value of mammography screening in older women has been much debated over the last few years. While the American Cancer Society recommends annual mammograms in women 75 or older, the US Preventive Services Task Force does not support this recommendation and believes that there is insufficient evidence with respect to its benefits and harm. It is...Read more

IMAGING Management

2014 18 Jul

A national standard to report breast tissue composition moves forward as federal legislation to standardise breast density reporting is introduced in the senate and house. Senator Diane Feinstein of California and Senator Kelley Ayotte of New Hampshire introduce bi-partisan legislation to standardise the communication of dense breast tissue...Read more

IMAGING Management

2014 19 Jun

Researchers at the University of Texas in Dallas (UTD) have found that breast cancer diagnoses can be improved when radiologists consider a patient’s statistically-weighted risk profile while examining her mammogramme. The new approach should result in a reduction of missed diagnoses and false positives. The study was presented this week at the Advances...Read more

IMAGING Management

2014 18 Jun

PinkDrive, South Africa’s first mobile mammography units implement PowerServer PACS for their "Early Detection Save Lives" breast cancer program. PinkDrive, a non-profit organisation dependent on donations, reached out to Bidvest in efforts to provide free mammography screening to rural areas where women can’t afford to go see doctors. They...Read more

IMAGING Management

2014 16 May

Integration with InteleViewer provides an alternative to deploying dedicated breast imaging workstations Intelerad Medical Systems, a leader in medical imaging PACS, RIS and workflow solutions, has announced the launch of their Tomosynthesis Module. Integrated directly into Intelerad’s InteleViewer, the module eliminates the need for dedicated...Read more

IMAGING Management

2014 14 May

New software developed in Spain will help physicians assess breast cancer risk by quantifying breast density, a known risk factor for the disease. Researchers from the Universitat Politècnica de València, in collaboration with the Instituto de Salud Carlos III  and the Foundation for the Health and Biomedical Research of the Comunitat Valenciana...Read more

IMAGING Management

2014 06 May

VuComp, Inc. will exhibit its new, automated breast density measurement technology, M-Vu Breast Density, at the American College of Radiology (ACR) 36th National Conference on Breast Cancer (NCBC) from May 8-10 at the Arizona Biltmore in Phoenix. Clinical studies have shown that dense breasts can make breast cancer detection in a mammogram more...Read more

IMAGING Management

2014 02 May

Millions of women each year are diagnosed with breast cancer; but early detection and treatment are among the most effective ways to overcome cancer and live life to the fullest.    Fujifilm Medical Systems U.S.A., Inc. and the National Breast Cancer Foundation (NBCF) have announced a collaboration that will extend the work of Fujifilm’s Images...Read more