Search Tag: adolescents

IMAGING Management

2023 30 Nov

The results of a new study, presented at RSNA 2023, indicated significant differences in nine brain white matter tracts in individuals with ADHD. The discovery was made through using AI to analyse specialised brain MRI scans of adolescents with and without attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).   ADHD can manifest at an early age and...Read more

IMAGING Management

2019 25 Nov

An imaging study reveals obesity amongst young people may be due to brain changes that affect important regions responsible for control of appetite and emotions. There is a pattern of brain damage which, according to researchers, has to do with some inflammatory markers like leptin, a hormone made by fat cells that helps regulate energy levels...Read more

Cardiology Management

2019 29 Oct

Spending three or more hours a day on social media is associated with poor sleep patterns, such as falling asleep after 11 pm on school nights and waking during the night, among UK teens, suggests research published in the online journal  BMJ Open . The findings "provide rigorous and meaningful evidence to inform practice and policy to support...Read more

Cardiology Management

2016 03 May

China is paying the price of adopting a western lifestyle with soaring childhood obesity, shows a   29 year study in nearly 28 000 children and adolescents published today in the   European Journal of Preventive Cardiology .1   Less than 1% of children and adolescents were obese in 1985 compared to 17% of boys and 9% of girls in 2014. The...Read more