Search Tag: Vasopressin
2024 28 Nov
Vasopressin timing, patient selection, optimal vasopressin use in septic shock, and potential mortality benefits in selected patient populations. Septic Shock Overview and Current Treatments Septic shock is a severe, life-threatening response to infection, characterised by systemic inflammation, tissue hypoperfusion, and persistent,...Read more
2024 26 Nov
Vasoactive drugs are commonly prescribed to critically ill adult patients in ICUs, with noradrenaline being the first-line treatment for septic shock. Vasopressin, a second-line vasopressor, is also widely used. However, there is uncertainty regarding the timing of vasopressin initiation. The VASST and VANISH trials, which investigated vasopressin...Read more
2023 30 Nov
An overview of vasopressor management, current evidence on its use, when to initiate vasopressor therapy for best possible patient outcome and a discussion regarding the use of landiolol in septic patients with persistent tachycardia. Optimising Vasopressin Initiation in Septic Shock Patients with septic shock, and especially...Read more
2023 30 Nov
An overview of vasopressor management, current evidence on its use, when to initiate vasopressor therapy for best possible patient outcome and a discussion regarding the use of landiolol in septic patients with persistent tachycardia. Optimising Vasopressin Initiation in Septic Shock Patients with septic shock, and especially...Read more
2023 13 Oct
Vasopressin and landiolol are critical therapies for ensuring the vascular and cardiac systems are as close to optimal conditions as possible during septic shock. Better cardiovascular management in septic shock can help improve septic shock management. Sepsis is a life-threatening organ dysfunction caused by a dysregulated host response...Read more
2023 01 Aug
Vasopressin is a potent vasopressor used to treat septic shock, acting via a different receptor than catecholamines. Previous randomised control trials have demonstrated its efficacy. However, its use can also lead to adverse effects such as ischaemia events. Therefore, it is recommended as a second-line agent after noradrenaline. Typically,...Read more
2022 08 Dec
A summary of a symposium organised by AOP Health with presentations from Ricard Ferrer, Vall d’Hebron University Hospital, Barcelona, Spain; Bruno Levy, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Nancy, CHU Nancy · Réanimation Médicale Brabois, France; and Michael Fries, St. Vincenz Krankenhaus Limburg, Department of Anesthesiology, Germany....Read more
2022 25 Mar
An article released in conjunction with the Intensive Care & Emergency Medicine (ISICEM) Congress helps clinicians understand the choice and timing of vasopressors in vasodilatory shock. It is one of ten reviews selected from the Annual Update in Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine 2022. Vasodilatory shock is one of the most common forms encountered...Read more
2019 18 Mar
A Chinese research team performed a meta-analysis and trial sequential analysis of randomised controlled trials (RCTs) evaluating the effects of vasopressin receptor agonists in septic shock patients. Their findings show the use of vasopressin might result in reduced mortality in these patients, but an increased risk of digital ischaemia must be taken...Read more