Search Tag: VR
2019 11 Dec
Early applications of 3D printing technology in medicine have been made in the field of imaging, enabling radiology departments to be of more help to care teams by providing clinicians and surgeons with printed models of anatomical structures. You might also like: The Future of Radiology Training There is a new kid on the block that is...Read more
2019 07 Oct
Leveraging technology, particularly simulation and virtual reality (VR) , is an effective way to prepare medical students for the future of radiology, according to experts in this field of medicine. Residency largely consists of memorising for exams but incorporating technology in radiology residency training programmes will mean less of a need...Read more
2019 30 May
A pilot study at the Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital of Chicago An overview of the virtual reality programme at the Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago and its potential benefits on patient outcomes. Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital of Chicago has introduced virtual reality into their paediatric intensive...Read more
2019 22 May
Initiatives to expand the meeting globally Prof. Sidhu, talks to about EUROSON 2019 and EFSUMB initiatives in the pipeline. EFSUMB and FESUMB welcome the imaging and ultrasound community to Granada for EUROSON 2019. This year EUROSON will be held simultaneously with the XXX Annual Meeting of AEED (Asociación Española...Read more
2019 22 May
Implementing emerging technologies in healthcare: incentives, challenges and successes How a healthcare hub can bring industry and healthcare together to foster tech exploration and development for better care. Technology opens up new opportunities, and we expect implementation. Use of the new possibilities is now taken for...Read more
2019 23 Apr
Radiology residency programs find the fun in learning by leveraging cutting edge technologies. A new comprehensive review on r adiology education using gaming technology, presents valuable insight into the value of gaming , game types and gaming principles, artificial intelligence applications and continued education. The study published in...Read more
2019 26 Mar
#SIR19ATX: Innovative technology improves efficiency of interventional radiology treatments increasing portability and patient access to IR AUSTIN, TEXAS — Immersive virtual reality (VR) may enable interventional radiologists to improve treatments using real-time 3D images from inside a patient’s blood vessels. New research presented...Read more
2019 22 Feb
Radiologists, more than any other medical specialty, feel the professional and emotional ‘whiplash’ that began five or so years ago. Vanishing jobs (transforming radiologists into production units) for cost over quality for our patients, to the current shortage and need for more radiologists. AI introduced the threat that automation would take what...Read more
2019 22 Feb
CEUS for children, ultrasound simulation and gamification models for training and education, EFSUMB initiatives. Prof. Sidhu, EFSUMB president, talks to about his ECR 2019 presentations: using ultrasound simulation models as tools for training and education, the greatest potential in combining ultrasound with contrast-enhanced...Read more
2019 22 Feb
A challenge and an opportunity Review of innovative technologies used at the ALYN Hospital Paediatric and Adolescent Rehabilitation Centre in Jerusalem; past and future technological trends in the field worldwide, including technologies relating to augmented communication, neuro- and movement-sensing, miniaturisation, powered mobility, virtual...Read more
2019 13 Feb
Executive Summary Prof. Paul Sidhu , President of the European Federation of Societies for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology ( EFSUMB ), shares with a preview of his presentations at the forthcoming ECR 2019 . The use of ultrasound simulation models as tools in training and education is among the important...Read more
2018 25 Jan
The growing role of VR in healthcare. How has VR developed and what potential does it have for future healthcare? In the 1990s, there were no resources dedicated to virtual reality (VR) and behavioural healthcare - no journals, no clinics, no conferences, no training programmes and only few advanced technologies. Today, we find ourselves...Read more