Search Tag: Simulation
2024 24 Feb
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2021 16 Mar
The claim of the title may sound too good to be true, but recent research revealed the benefits of using augmented reality simulation, especially for training purposes. Dr Gabriel Bartal, President of Israeli Society of Interventional Radiology, discussed the study, which investigated augmented reality simulation of scatter radiation embedded in an...Read more
2019 07 Oct
Leveraging technology, particularly simulation and virtual reality (VR) , is an effective way to prepare medical students for the future of radiology, according to experts in this field of medicine. Residency largely consists of memorising for exams but incorporating technology in radiology residency training programmes will mean less of a need...Read more
2019 26 Sep
Human factors are significant contributors to drug error. To overcome some of these human factors, we propose standardisation and consolidation of agreed drugs and equipment into a compact pre-packed critical care drug pouch (CCP) for use in non-theatre environments. Introduction Emergency and sedation drugs availability and preparation...Read more
2018 22 Sep
Simulation for building patient safety and quality leadership capacity Simu-Leader is an interactive simulation designed to build the skills needed for today’s safety and quality leaders. This article provides an overview of its assets and role in leadership development. Do healthcare leaders need simulation? Leaders and managers...Read more
2018 16 Mar
Evolution in medicine and the anaesthesia context. A brief discussion about the importance and the state of the art of simulation in anaesthesia and intensive care medicine. Training in simulation plays a key role in complex systems such as aviation and the nuclear industry, to investigate predictable errors that lead to adverse outcomes....Read more
2017 22 Nov
First developed in aviation, CRM education facilitates prevention of accidents in medicine. Beyond the improvement of technical skills, the simulation can provide to learners the capacity to work with other team members, to pay attention to the work environment and to manage physiological or psychological constraints in critical situations. ...Read more
2017 07 May
Mobile devices are used by most students, residents and radiologists in everyday life. They allow fast and convenient access to all internet resources and to data stored on the devices. Entire bookshelves of information can be transported easily and are at the device user’s fingertips. The interactivity of mobile devices allows new techniques of...Read more
2016 12 Jul
Variable use of electronic health records between and within professions could mean that as much as half of patient safety issues could be missed, according to a simulation study. The study, by Knewton K. Sakata, MD, Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Department of Medicine, Oregon Health & Science University , Portland, Oregon, USA,...Read more
2016 01 Jul
COMPUTER MODEL LOOKS AT ER FUNCTIONS, EVEN BEFORE IT’S BUILT With the cost of building a good hospital estimated at around $1 million per bed, it makes sense to test out new layout ideas before any actual construction gets underway. As a new hospital is an incredibly expensive endeavour, we used a software programme to test different...Read more
2015 15 Dec
Mock codes can be useful exercises to identify inadequacies in systems, standards of care, and teamwork that could be remediated in order to optimise patient care and safety, according to a report published in the Journal of Radiology Nursing . Using in situ mock codes can continue to provide practice for responders — both noncode team and code team...Read more
2013 28 May
To help fight childhood obesity and other child diseases, the European Commission has awarded 12 million euros to a medical research project that will use mathematical models to improve the treatment of children. According to recent data from the World Health Organisation (WHO), the number of overweight infants and children in Europe has steadily...Read more